The_Watcher's Starred Questions

The_Watcher has 6 starred questions
Can you please recommend good music to me?
I'm getting tired of listening to the same music all the time. Can I get a new one? I'll also put some stuff I like in the comments so you can get an idea of the type of music I like...
14 / 6
What is your scariest true story?
i was inspired at my cat who just now decided to jumpscare me at midnight
8 / 2
Ban the user below you for a reason that makes no sense.
You WON'T really get banned! It's just for fun!
8 / 0 profile question
Anyone feel more wolf then human?
Or animal if you do please join me...
12 / 24 profile question
What's your favorite aesthetic?
Just put your favorite kind of aesthetics! (I.E: Color scheme, cliche, ect.)
4 / 0
Truth Teller/Lie Teller Riddle!
This is one of my favorites that my dad told me, it's really hard so watch out! There are two answers that I know of, but you may find one I haven't heard before. So, here it goes: "Deep in the forest, there are two villages o...
1 / 0