The_Mad_Hatress's Starred Questions

The_Mad_Hatress has 38 starred questions
What was your first Anime/manga you read/watched?
lol Mine was Peach girl, it was a really good anime series :) to tell you the truth~
72 / 16
Did anyone break your heart?
did anyone hurt you? How many times & why ...
4 / 2
What's your favorite anime?
You can put any anime you want to.
15 / 10
Who is your celeb crush whom you wanna meet?
it can be anyone..singer, dancer, actor, actress, even a sport star..but proffesional :3...
4 / 3
do you like anime if so what is your favorite one?
i'm board but whats your fav anime?
5 / 5
What's your fav anime opening
I love almost all openings...KISS KISS fall in LOVE <3 XD
7 / 11
who loves nightcore?
how likes or loves nightcore?
15 / 1
who loves anime shows?
i love soul eater and so on what do you like?
30 / 18
Happy Halloween! What would be your costume?
Im just curious! :3 I'll be dressed as a cat.
9 / 0
Do you have a boyfriend or like someone? (Like my Cole sorry I'm obsessed!)
You have to message me back if you have a boyfriend or crush. If you want to even if someone else has a crush on you! I'm IloveCole! Message me and follow me! Thanks. Pic of my boyfriend! (He's being bunny eared) Sorry it's sid...
7 / 0 profile question
What's your full name?
I'm just bored and decided to get to know my followers, so yeah...
4 / 1 profile question
Whats the scariest nightmare you've ever had?
7 / 0
whats your favorite band/artist?
26 / 38
what's your favorite animal?
15 / 14
Hi, how are you?
3 / 0 profile question
who do u like?
tell me who u like plz.
2 / 1 profile question
Can someone pls help me?
Ok, I need help! Because there are 29 boys who like me and I only like 2 of them so can someone plz help me!
6 / 0
who is on?
4 / 0 profile question
whats is some thing you have always waned to ask?
what is a queshton you have always waned to ask me you can ask me lol i am just bord
1 / 1 profile question