The_Mad_Hatress's Starred Questions - Page 2

The_Mad_Hatress has 38 starred questions
What is your sign of the zodiac?
20 / 3
what country/state of australia do you live in
0 / 0 profile question
Who is your Fav anime character with black hair?
Who is it?Ur fav character from anime having black hair?
10 / 9
My crush, a guy, looks at me everytime. Please help me. pls read description
My crush, a guy, looks at me everytime. when my friend asked him about it he smiled and blushed and did not answer. he looks at me all the time but he talks to many girls(they start the conversation) what should i do? In my sch...
12 / 13
Who is your favorite anime character with Dark blue hair?
Your fav Anime character having Dark blue hair ? Mine is Dawn.
5 / 7
Why does he dislikes her? (read description pls)
My cousin Ria has a crush. she says that he stares at her, and his friend teases him when she walk past them, but he says that she sings horrible, ( ..she is good in singing) . my cousin saw the group chat..where he deleted he...
2 / 2
Do you like nightcore songs?
26 / 49
What is your favorite anime? (8)
I just wanted to know.
8 / 1
What's your favorite fairytail character?
Fairytail is my favorite anime of ll time, and I just wanted to see what people's favorite characters are!
5 / 1
What is your favorite name(s)?
7 / 2
What's the worst movie you've ever seen?
Who is your favorite pokemon?
Title explains it in 5 words and 24 letters and one question mark.
8 / 3
What do think about me?
You can always say "I don't know you well enough to answer this question"
1 / 1 profile question
Why am I so happy today?
I'm in a really good mood today but I don't know why
0 / 0 profile question
Help me please (2)
Ok My friends I have know for 2 years have suddenly stop talking to me expect for one. I have no idea why they have stop talking to me. I thought at first they were busy with school but we're on summer break now and they still ...
0 / 0 profile question
I'm 16 yet I have never kissed anyone. Is that werid?
Pretty Starightfoward. Answer in comment section please and don't be rude
35 / 28