
As you can tell I love the walking dead.
Never missed an episode
7 correct questions out of 7. The passing score mark is 5
on January 03, 2016
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on January 03, 2016
Tears of joy. TuT
You are easily irritable and don't care what anyone thinks of you. You're a very deep person with a lot of secrets, but you're the coolest person around people you know very well.
on January 02, 2016
Yay!!!Me gots ma favorite one
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher
Trickster, Weird, Powerful, Merciless.
on January 02, 2016
Look what personality I've got! What about you? :D
Erza Scarlet
Erza Scarlet
Erza Scarlet- You are a mage who uses requip magic. In battle, you requip into different armor to help you win against the opponent; you always win, but not only that, you are an S Class wizard in Fairy Tail. S Class means that you're one of the most powerful mages in your guild. Though fiercely loyal to your friends and very mature, you get embarrassed really easily when it comes to love. Ironically, so does your true love, Jellal Fernandes. You guys used to be the best of friends in your miserable childhood years, but then he got possessed by an evil spirit named Zaref. Finally, the evil spirit left his body, but he still has the tattoo on his eye to remind him about the bad things he did while possessed. You don't necessarily have a best friend, but that's because you are so loyal to your friends at the guild that it's very scary to the enemies who try to hurt them.
on January 02, 2016