TheFreakGirl - Page 2

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TheFreakGirl's Photo 0
on October 29, 2016
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's Photo 3
on October 29, 2016
Meh, I'm bored, and I don't mind if she makes it to the story or not, I just wanna join... Don't mind me.

Name: Amaya
Gender: Female
Age: 15-16
Personality: Might be a threat at first to strangers, hard-working, respectful (or tries to), mostly serious, but has a soft side once close friends with her, a bit shy, but very curious
Appearance: Black hair that reaches a bit past her shoulders, dark blue eyes, slightly tanned, wearing light-carry and somewhat loose clothing, a dark See More▼
Thank you. :3
on October 28, 2016
I do not quite think we have had many wolf Shedan as of yet...interesting..
on October 28, 2016
on October 28, 2016
subscribed to page
Impure OCs
So now that I'm getting my story out, I would like to see the characters you guys come up with! Just fill out the form and I may add your character to the story. You may also Rp as your character. (It an Rp page anyway) NOTE: ...
31 subscribers 4 members fully opened profile page
on October 28, 2016
added a story to the favorite list
Once, long ago, three factions ruled over the nation of Alma. The Kendred, Shedan, And Morphis, each with its own god. Under the fires of an ancient war, the Morphis died off, and their god disappeared. One thousand years later...
461 reads 73 readers 170
on October 28, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
TheFreakGirl's Photo 4
on October 27, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
's Photo 0
on October 26, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
TheFreakGirl's Photo 0
on October 26, 2016
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I'm going to hell!!! XD
TheFreakGirl's Photo 4
on October 26, 2016
added a new chapter to The Huntress
Chapter One
Melissa's POV
I sat there on top of the roof, as it was dark and barely anyone was out. I was dressed in dark clothing, so that I could blend into the night well. I watched as a vampire passed by, as if they were looking for something to drink blood out of, either a animal or a human, which the humans in the village were dropping low. I readied my dagger, and followed after them, being silent while doing do.
I remembered about my step father teaching me how to be prepared for a fi...
on October 25, 2016
uploaded a photo
TheFreakGirl's Photo 0
on October 25, 2016
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TheFreakGirl's Photo 0
on October 25, 2016
Don't you ever get that feeling you might be cringey, even though people might say your not? Or even if you are a good friend and feel like your failing to help or save someone, even though your trying your best and is actually a really good friend for someone?
. See More▼
on October 24, 2016
THANK YOU. I feel like I'm not the only one now. @Lightstriker195
on October 24, 2016
That is an accurate description of my life.
on October 24, 2016
on October 24, 2016
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when you're at school and you're favorite teacher is away and you have a teacher you hate instead
TheFreakGirl's Photo 0
on October 24, 2016
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The milk went bad
TheFreakGirl's Photo 0
on October 24, 2016
created a story
The Huntress
A girl name Melissa Sunslit, who was born with a inhuman power of speed and silence, has a fate that has awaited for her. To become a hunter to save a village from werewolves, vampires, and a couple of powerful witches.
11 reads 5 readers 1
on October 23, 2016
asked a question
Favorite Creepypasta character(s)?
It can even be unknown Creepypasta characters people don't know much or heard about, and make a list if have more then one.
5 / 0
on October 23, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
's Photo 4
on October 23, 2016
added a photo to the starred list
TheFreakGirl's Photo 1
on October 23, 2016
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Loooool! XD
TheFreakGirl's Photo 4
on October 23, 2016