Rawr2002's Questions
Rawr2002 asked 53 questions
why are there minors on this site? this site is a 13 plus website so why are there smal...
are you a simp? are you guys simpers
Why do peta euthananize so many of there animals? I herd someone where that 80 percent ...
The reveal I started off serious but now I'm trolling XD
This is so cute you guys are so obsessed with me it's like you have a crush on me I fin...
Feminists always seem to turn a blind eye to the oppression happening in the Muslim wor...
What's your fave anime?
do any of the old qfeasters miss the drama? to be honest i miss some of the old qfeaste...
why has this site gone down hill? it seems like this site is not the same as it was a ...

why do people act meaner online? there to pussy to say it to there face, why?

Are you more of a asshole online? Most of us are more of a asshole online then IRL. I ...
How come you can't say words like suicid e for titles on qfeast but you can say words l...
What is your opinion on those whom mock people for there physical or mental fatal illne...

What is the meanest thing that people say online? Is it KYS or something else, (words o...

Is it wrong to use a alias online?

What do you think about Keemstar?

have anyone ever seen your web history

Why can't we make mature content things on qfeast? We should be aloud to have a mature ...

what would you do if a girl whom was dying was getting bullied? bully:ha ha, has cancer...