Music_Lover103 - Page 2

Quotes: "Everyone is not perfect, life is always a challenge, but everyone needs love no matter what or who you are."

Likes: Music, pocky, animals, nature, nice people, playing music, See More▼
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Music_Lover103's Photo 1
on December 07, 2015
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Anime and Manga
This is a page for people who love or are interested in anime and manga or one of the (example just interested in anime) you can share your pics of drawing,sites or even movies or just Radom cool anime or manga pics
10 subscribers 13 members profile page
on December 07, 2015
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's Photo 6
on December 07, 2015
Aww . . . Wait, what Shadow?! . . .
Sweet and selfless ~female~
Sweet and selfless ~female~
Sonic: /Y/N/? Oh she's super sweet maybe a little bit of a door mat but ever since she met us she's been opening up a bit ^_^ but I have to cool my teasing and pranks with her haha *sweatdrop*

Tails: she is really sweet and tries to help me with my work but *sighs* god this is really hard to say but.....she does....get in the way sometimes but I am teaching her some things so she wouldn't be as much in the way but she was very helpful of me and Zoey

Knuckles: she's always with shadow so I don't know *shrugs*

Amy: she sooooo adorable!!! Oh! And her and shadow are sooo OTP's! /Me: whoa Amy calm down you even know if /Y/N/ even likes him/ sorry haha but she's sooo nice and I love her to pieces!!

Cream: she's really nice to me and cheese and she's always playing with me and taking very good care of me! She's like a older sister to me! ; Cheese: CHAO CHAO ^.^

Silver: she's really nice! Well there's one point of time where I almost had a crush on her but shadow kind of stepped in the way but she did help me get together with blaze!

Blaze: her kindness and selflessness is a breath of fresh air and she's always available with internal problems and she even got me and silver together therefor we are great friends ^_^

Rouge: her? I don't know what shadow sees in her. The poor girl can barely take care of herself! *sighs* okay maybe I'm going hard on her cause a little jealously but ever since she came shadow been taking his mind off of Maria, maybe he'll finally heal up..cause of her

Shadow: no you don't deserve to know my opinion /Me: please!!? With a scary things on top?/ ugh FINE.... *sighs* she's a very genuine and sweet set of jewels, she sees beauty and shows so passionate to anything she meets, the others have told her about my past quests yet she Still. Sees at me such compassion and understanding. I don't deserve that. But those trait gets me so protective over her is of scourge. Guys like him make worry about girls like her... /me: *sobbing* that was so beautiful/ oh for Christ sake -_-
What then? . . . I said we both friends and your his love, is something wrong with that? . . .
on December 07, 2015
Okay, then me and him are best friends and your his love . . . Can we do that then? . . . @SonicFanGirl400
on December 06, 2015
I'll take close friends just until I have feelings for him . . .
on December 06, 2015
Hahaha you can have the choice to being close friends or love
on December 06, 2015
on December 06, 2015
100 followers already? . . . Thanks guys . . .
^_^ I thank everyone for following me, you guys are nice and awesome . . .
on December 06, 2015
on December 06, 2015
on December 06, 2015
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Qfeast Roleplaying Pages
A top list of roleplaying Qfeast pages. Find and share rp pages! Important: as before, all rp pages shall be marked as 'profile'
453 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on December 06, 2015
Night guys . . .
on December 06, 2015
uploaded a photo at Black Butler RP
Black Butler RP's Photo 0
on December 06, 2015
Name: Rosy
Age: 14
Looks: Pic
Likes: Performing, her friends, Moonlight and Zoe, also candy
Dislikes: Mean people
Other: She met Zoe when she was a lord with her cat friend, Moonlight who came to Noah's Ark Circus and the two became friends since. Also, she knows Zoe's little secret with Moonlight.
on December 06, 2015
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The Lyrics Of Songs Page
Post lyrics of songs or you can ask people to post lyrics of songs you want. The song does not have to be English it can be a different country if it is in a different country and sings in your countries language please use ...
3 subscribers 2 members
on December 06, 2015
asked a question
What is Puppet's true gender?
I know animatronics don't really have a gender at all, but if Puppet did, what is it really?
5 / 0
on December 06, 2015
Gem (as to what does it look like or the powers or color):
Family: See More▼
on December 06, 2015
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Steven Universe
Have fun ro.le pl.aying on here, known characters or OC's . . . Hope you enjoy . . .
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on December 06, 2015
Family: See More▼
on December 06, 2015
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Gravity Falls
Ro.le pl.ay on here as known characters or OC's, don't mind how many you play on here . . .
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
on December 06, 2015
What should I call my followers? . . . They deserve to be called something nice about them . . .
on December 06, 2015
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Omg he is a bronie!!!!!
Music_Lover103's Photo 6
on December 05, 2015
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To all of my followers <3
Music_Lover103's Photo 1
on December 05, 2015
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Yes!!!!!!!!! :3 sonic.exe!! And Ben drowned
Music_Lover103's Photo 3
on December 05, 2015
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Music_Lover103's Photo 3
on December 05, 2015