Moony's Starred Questions

Moony has 5 starred questions
What do you do when you can't see your bf? :(
My half brothers father won't let me see him... UK
I am 16 and live with my aunty and cousins (since my mum passed away) over 100 miles away from my half brother (mums side) he is 10. his father won't let me see him, he can be a violent man and is messing my brothers life up. ...
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Can anyone come up with a starter to this blurb?
The Decorated Sword - a mystery by You The Beutiful, Stunning town of Leely holds a secret. Jennifer Blue has the perfect life working as a Model in the city and Living with her sweet boyfriend, Tom Parker. However, ...
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Health Question: Does This Happen To You Too?
I call them dizzy spells, but I don't know what they actually are... My eyesight gets all boxed out, like on reality TV when they are covering up somebody's face, they cover it up with those white, grey and black boxes. It sart...
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What does it mean when you see a rainbow iguana in your dreams?