Miss.Red's Quizzes

Miss.Red published 9 quizzes
Make a face Quiz!
This... took quite a while to make. I made all the possible outcomes and MAN! It took quite a while. But anyways here it is! A really cool and strange make a face quiz. I AM NOT FINISHED, But I'd like to see what you guys think...
34 responses 8
Are you beautiful? (4)
Are you beautiful? I believe we all are in our own way... :) I made this quiz for a reason and I hope you all will like it. It's not what it seems, trust me.
45 responses 11
Would I like you as an awesome friend?
I made a quiz based off of my personality, and I wanted to know if anyone out there would be like me or be my friend!
50 responses 30
What is your Aura color?
The aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds every creature that exists. A form of energy emanating from your body, your aura can tell a lot about you, from your personality to your innermost emotions and conflicts. So w...
140 responses 35
Earth, Air, Water, and Fire; What is your personal element?
Exactly that! BLAH, blah BlAh I don't know what else to say, so, ya.. um, I hope you enjoy this!
82 responses 10
What Mythical Creature Are You? (For girls!)
This should be an awesome Quiz! You could be A griffon, a were-wolf, a vampire, a fairy, a nymph, a demon, an angel, a Phoenix, a Unicorn, a Dragon, A Pegasus, an elf, or a Spinx.
108 responses 26
Canine Or Feline?
Are you a cat or a dog? Hmmm??? LALA I HATE WORD LIMITS!! LALala Um, I really hate word limits.
61 responses 22
Test Your Smartness! Are you A Llama Or an AWESOME PERSON?
Do You like Brain Teasers? Because This is a brain Teaser Like Quiz. So yeah.... I'm very bored... Enjoy!
27 responses 9
Werewolf or Vampire? Or BOTH!?!?
What are you? A werewolf or vampire? Find out now!!!! Or if your lucky you may be A werepyre!!!!
145 responses 34