Masubii_Chan's Starred Questions

Masubii_Chan has 11 starred questions
What are/is your theme song/s?
19 / 13
How do you know if you are in love?
I never been in love, but I want to see how other people's feelings were like when they have their first love. If you are confuse with this question, please let me know.
11 / 10
What's homestuck?
all i know is its about trolls XD
11 / 0
What is your favorite qfeast smiley face?
You can chose smiley faces on qfeast, which is your favorite?
14 / 0
What do you want for christmas? (2)
I really want some plushies of sonic,tails,knuckles,amy and shadow :3 and maybe shoes What about YOU?
12 / 10
What are your thoughts on Justin Beiber?
So, I wanted to know who else hates Justin Beiber, and why does he have so many fans? I mean, I seriously don't understand. So, what do you think of him? I WANT TO KNOW. =^O.O^=
114 / 385
What would you do if I stole your muffin?
What would you do?
2 / 2 profile question
What do you do with your notifications?
Do you delete them all after you get them or keep them? I personally delete them which I find easier to manage but I wanted to know if I was just weird or if other people deleted theirs.
20 / 1
How did you pick your username
When you joined Qfeast or any site how did you pick your username?
34 / 12
Favorite color?
pick one pick anything you want
19 / 3
I got a boyfriend! :)
1 / 0 profile question