Marvele's Page Memberships

Marvele is a member of 4 pages
Supporting Gay Relations
If you think that it's okay to be attracted to someone of your own gender then join this page. I believe that people have the freedom to choose who they want to be with regardless of what sex they are.
54 subscribers 2 members fully opened profile page
Fandom Wars
This is a page where you post pictures and tag people about fandoms that they're in. It can be pointing something out of just full on attacking the other person.
7 subscribers 2 members fully opened
You will be able to learn phrases, sayings, and words on this page. Once we have a certain amount of members, we will start teaching.
8 subscribers 9 members fully opened
Qfeast Roll Call
sup hoes. this is a good quality™ page i promise y'all (well it'll probs be deleted soon but that's ok with me tbh)
68 subscribers 57 members fully opened profile page