MarichatPuns - Page 20

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I love how now that everyone who tried to play the victim card in this are now using invalid excuses for their shitty behavior. Maybe, just a thought, West should just own up to what he's doing instead of playing the victim??
on July 11, 2019
uploaded a photo
MarichatPuns's Photo 4
on July 11, 2019
"she’s literally the only one talking about it
like everyone else has moved on from it"
LMAO you want to be involved so bad your flip-flop ass up and go home. Every-time something like this happens you want to have your cake and eat it too, this had nothing to do with you stop trying to make yourself relevant.
Also, assuming you can read, it's clear West is still talking about it and trying to defend his actions instead of being real with his shit.
@Radrak_is_our_platinum_lord You fuccking made it worse by putting in your two cents so I don't want to hear shit from you
on July 11, 2019
on July 11, 2019
on July 11, 2019
Apparently he didn't know it was an LGBT slur
Then why fuccking say a word you have no idea about, dumbass? Maybe just get off the internet altogether or stop using words that you don't know well. Stop justifying use of the N-word as well. Stfu, I call bullshit.
It was literally used as a derogatory nickname. What the hell does he want us to think he thought it meat? r/quityourbullshit
on July 11, 2019
on July 11, 2019
Three people isn't everyone. You aren't being attacked you're being called out. Learn the difference.
on July 11, 2019
How are the "sides" stacked against you if you claim only four people care if you use it?
Evidently you either know that you're wrong or you're playing the victim card.
on July 10, 2019
"im tired of my side of things never being heard and coming out as the bad guy in every situation i get put in, on here and irl"
Wow, have you ever bothered to think-
And please think carefully about this
You *are* the bad guy?
Also if you don't find saying these offensive slurs wrong in itself them you need to adjust your moral compass.
And stop playing the victim card. There's a reason you've been called out for this more than once.
@Radrak_is_our_platinum_lord song or not, the n word is not to be said by non blacks period.
on July 10, 2019
But saying the word has the same effect no matter what it is, a song lyric or normal post. Its not like there are all songs with n word in it.
on July 10, 2019
@Radrak_is_our_platinum_lord Firstly, he said it in a reply to one of Ssturn.Clash's posts and maybe he shouldn't quote songs that use the N-word, then?
Also his side of the story must be being heard otherwise I wouldn't be even responding lmao
on July 10, 2019
@Hikari_Chan Exactly!! If he keeps doing this he's going to be called out.
on July 10, 2019
the only times he’s said the n word is in the guess the song posts, and he actually said he didn’t say the other f word. And plus, his side of the story is never heard
on July 10, 2019
There are 3 more comments. Show ▼
on July 10, 2019
I'm done with this because he had major dumb bitch energy and I'm losing brain cells reading because apparently he doesn't believe in commas.
But she because other people say it doesn't mean that you do. If you call a person the F-word used as a derogatory term towards gay people, it becomes the business of everyone involved. You only use that around people you know in real life or even in online PM's or groupchats with people you know well. Not in public or on an online public See More▼
Who said that word? I'm gonna fcking kill them. I'm gay, I've been jumped and physically assaulted while being called that word, I take this shit super seriously. I get reclaiming slurs but this is going too far.
on July 10, 2019
on July 10, 2019
The fetishization asian people face scares me so much lowkey. I can't imagine what they go through.
My mom has somewhat asian-esque features (pretty sure she ain't mixed with asian) and some guys try to flirt with her solely because of that.
I have some asian friends online and some have been fetishized so badly that one of them has agoraphobia and stays in the house majority of the time because they were nearly kidnapped on a few occasions by the same group of people solely See More▼
on July 10, 2019
I've seen you, and many others have seen you break your "promise" (yes, you did promise, stop lying lmao) so on after you made it. Just because no one called you out didn't mean that they didn't see you using it. You use it all the time.
Secondly, I called Saturn.Clash out because her nosiness was actually effecting people on here mostly because after asking them what was wrong she would turn it into some type of joke also those people are close friend of mine. Not to mention See More▼
on July 10, 2019
Before even reading this, please report West's account for being offensive to POC it ain't cool what he's doing and he keeps trying to justify it.

"first off, its because it was a derogatory word used solely by whites, and now it means a couple different things, depending on who uses it and in what context. it cant be used by whites at all unless a black person specifically gives them permission, and even then, they still shouldn't use it in public."
LMAO, no one is supposed See More▼
Also maybe don't make an inaccurate post calling yourself confronting someone and then use being upset as an excuse? If you were you should have waited until you weren't lmao
on July 10, 2019
on July 10, 2019
Shut the fucck up. I don't get how fuccking hard it is to actually think before you type anything? I mean doing that shit with words is another ballgame, but why use the N-word online especially when you get offended if someone of a different race does? Maybe stay off the entire dam site if that's the case.
Using the N-word ain't where it's at. Stop tryna be edgy homeboy.
Also don't be mad because I'm calling Noa out on his shit ? I swear it's taking everything in me not to hate Derp for bringing that shit-starting ass edgelord to this site.
on July 10, 2019
on July 10, 2019
"i haven't used any kind of racial slur in months"
The dumb bitch energy tho
on July 10, 2019
Saturn.Clash: Is it me?
Me: Yeah.
Saturn.Clash: -insert surprised pikachu face-
on July 10, 2019
Anyone who ain't at *least* thirteen (even that's a stretch) can't be in a serious relationship. Change my mind.
on July 09, 2019
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Drink water or perish
This is where I remind those who subscribe to the page to drink water randomly.
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on July 09, 2019
Hella direct:
Saying the N-word ain't cool, how many fuccking times do you need to be told that? It's an offensive racial slur. Stop saying it and maybe extend your vocabulary so that you won't always feel the need to fuccking say it. I swear on me that shit annoying af.
@Teenaged.Narcissist I saw that Saturn.Clash person being hella rude so I checked to see if they were a troll and then I saw West replying, using the word that he swore up and down that he never would on this site again. This bitch still has the audacity to get mad when someone gives him shit for saying it, like, no?? You don't have the right to be mad??
Exactly! See More▼
on July 09, 2019
Where did he say it?
And yeah like I get reclaiming slurs, I use gay slurs all the time as a joke, but I literally ONLY do that in front of people who I know are comfortable with that. And if they say it back jokingly, LGBT or not, I don't give them shit.
on July 09, 2019
@Teenaged.Narcissist West as always. I thought he had stopped but apparently not smfh The thing is he'll get mad if anyone who he knows is caucasian/white says it but he uses it in front of them?? Like, even if he *does* use it maybe don't fuccking use it around the people you'll lash out at if they decide they want to say it?
on July 09, 2019
Who tf is using racial slurs???
on July 09, 2019
on July 09, 2019
Of course, I'm not perfectly sure (I have a pretty big idea since it's obvious but of course I won't say who their name is for triggering reasons) who the Lovebug66 person is but I'll report/block they ass. Stay safe name twin and please don't let that ugly ass hoe get to you!!
on July 09, 2019
NSFW (sorta) warning
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on July 05, 2019
Why do I see posts about dick and pussy piercings
@Bames Oh my God ?
on July 02, 2019
I saw Brea posting innocently about wanting to get her ears pierced, and I thought to myself, “how could I possible make this horrible?” So, I threatened to pierce Lindsey’s clitoris, Brea took inspiration, Nia and Linds teamed up to resist, and now we’re here.
on July 02, 2019
nia won’t let me pierce his pp
on July 02, 2019
Like bruh I haven't been on since this morning and I come back to this ?
on July 02, 2019
on July 02, 2019