MMMMMMM6 - Page 14

I love to dance, sing (even though I'm pretty sure I'm terrible) and I love helping others. My life has been quite rocky especially this year (2014), but I'm managing. I am straight See More▼
uploaded a photo at Teenage posts page!
Teenage post of the day :D
Teenage posts page!'s Photo 1
on March 17, 2014
like them if you like them :D
on March 16, 2014
uploaded a photo at Teenage posts page!
Funny when this happens...
Teenage posts page!'s Photo 1
on March 16, 2014
uploaded a photo at Teenage posts page!
Isn't everybody?!
Teenage posts page!'s Photo 0
on March 16, 2014
uploaded a photo at Teenage posts page!
Loving the cuteness of these quotes!
Teenage posts page!'s Photo 1
on March 16, 2014
uploaded a photo at Teenage posts page!
Happens to me all the time, what about you?
Teenage posts page!'s Photo 2
on March 16, 2014
created a page
Teenage posts page!
Don't you love relatable quotes? Well this page will regularly update funny relatable quotes using teenage posts! If you find a quote that we haven't mentioned and you like, don't hesitate in telling us by commenting! :D
13 subscribers 4 members fully opened
on March 16, 2014
haha, lol
Pretty on the outside
Pretty on the outside
You are capital H hot girl. Most girls envy you but just remember not to let your looks guide you through life. You focus mostly on your looks but forget that a decent personality never did any harm to anyone.
on March 15, 2014
its so totes amazing this quiz it is so true!
you are always hyper, joyful and energetic. Yu always are happy no matter what.
on March 15, 2014
created a poll
have you had your first kiss yet?
yeah im like...
no way im un...
no way eww, ...
yeah and im ...
74 votes 0
on March 15, 2014
has become a member of the page
The Story Contest Page
This is a page where I'll give you details on how to write a story. I will have a contest up every week. At the end of the week, I will aunouce the winner and they will get a shout-out from me! Hope you enjoy!
4 subscribers 6 members fully opened
on March 12, 2014
That boy you punched in the hall today, committed suicide. That girl you called a slut in class today, she's a virgin. That boy you called lame. He has to work every night to support his family. That girl you pushed down the other day, she's already being abused at home. That girl you called fat, she's starving herself. That old man you made fun of because of his ugly scares, fought for our country. That boy you made fun of for crying, his mother is dying. You think you know them. See More▼
on March 23, 2014
cool its so great that a lot of people out there feel so strongly about it. I just think its so sad that people die so young. Bullying kills
on March 23, 2014
I love that statement! Also, I'm watching the video!
on March 22, 2014
Awe I am too and that is so true
on March 12, 2014
thanks, im really passionate about this kind of stuff. I have 2 friends with severe depression, one which cuts and well I used to get bullied all the time and still do sometimes. There are way too many young people getting bullied and even worse killing themselves because of it :(
on March 12, 2014
There are 2 more comments. Show ▼
on March 11, 2014
subscribed to page
All To Stop Bullying Page
I was once bullied and it is not fun. If you want to stop bullying than join this page. If you have had a bullying experience you are welcome to put your story on this page.
11 subscribers 2 members fully opened
on March 11, 2014
created a personality quiz
Would I like you? (Boys only) (1)
Just doing this for fun but please try, it should be interesting, so yeah. Thanks xx
23 responses 7
on March 10, 2014
lets see if I get more than this then I will do the same and maybe follow back, possibly, thanks so much
I need one more follower to have 100, next follower will get a story read, a question answered or a quiz completed and will be followed back :) good luck
on March 10, 2014
I need one more follower to have 100, next follower will get a story read, a question answered or a quiz completed and will be followed back :) good luck
on March 10, 2014
lol, loving this quiz
Nice and loving you are.

on March 10, 2014
Part 4 - After all of that Rose was glad to finally be home with the man she loved. They ended their night kissing and chatting amongst the stars of the night. xx for Chris
np and the longer the better
on March 12, 2014
Great story!
on March 12, 2014
haha yeah thanks got a bit carried away :)
on March 10, 2014
wow its sos long...but so good! Great job!
on March 10, 2014
Thanks for reading, hope you liked it
on March 10, 2014
on March 10, 2014
Part 3 - Bradly reluctantly gave Rose the keys. "Stay safe and don't scratch her!" he shouted as Rose ran out of the door. Once in the car she started it and made a sharp U-turn. She headed for the airport with exhilarating speed. Rose may have given the impression that she was a weak, sensible lady but her driving in this circumstance was completely out of character. She skidded past the pet store and the general store. She swerved past the mall and found the airport. Parking See More▼
Hope you liked it :)
on March 10, 2014
on March 10, 2014
Part 2 - "You can't do that princess" Joe smiled wickedly. "The deal has to stay. It was a deal after all. You had to pick out of Chris and I and you picked me so now you must do my every command."
"I hate to tell you this" said Rose smiling back, "but the deal was this: whoever one my heart I would chose, the other one would lose. And the one I had chosen, here it comes, was the one who would love me with all his heart. You are the one who has broken the deal. You don't want See More▼
on March 10, 2014