MCR_Ashley_Rose's Starred Questions

MCR_Ashley_Rose has 5 starred questions
Do you think swear words are necessary?
This question has bothered me since the age of 7. What do you think?
173 / 290
One direction or justin beiber??
witch one?
144 / 507
Who is ur fave in one direction?
out of niall, zayn, harry, liam, or louis? my fave is niall, but wat bout u ppls?
31 / 29
what is niall horans fan number
what is niall horans number it can be his fan number i dont care but i really want his fan number
5 / 5
"It's Gotta Be YOU!" A One Direction Love Story (chapter 2)
As you were sitting on the hard, cold bench, you could just feel the crimson color filling your cheeks. Why wouldn't they be red? I mean, seriously. You just walked into your best friend's house, scared to death because you tho...
8 / 16