created a

Are you going to do good this upcoming school year?
on July 28, 2013

I think 8:30pm is a littttttttle late for dinner, but please, it was yummy!
on July 28, 2013

Oh my... I just looked into the mirror and saw that my eyes were extremely dilated! Oh, and, I swear i'm NOT high!
on July 27, 2013

So anyways that was me and my bragging =^.^= But anyways I will be posting stories, photos, quizzes, etc. here and there... But i'm still doing some final alterations to the book. LOVE YOU GUYS and PLEASE support my enterprise by purchasing a copy around Christmas time! <3333
on July 25, 2013

What's up my friends an followers! Sorry I've been off like... the whole damn summer :/ BUT! I've been working on a book ladies and gents! I mean a REAL book that is REALLY going to be on REAL shelves! OMFGGGGGGGGG! Look for it in stores around Christmas time!!!!!! WOOOOOOOT! It's called: My Demons Within. Oh and it's a series!!!!
on July 25, 2013

I haven't slept in two days, and I would kill to get some... Almost literally, except, I'm no physco.
on June 02, 2013

Sorry for the absence guys... I've been busy for the past two weeks, with stuff... But not to worry! I've just been in California trying to get a deal with Aeria Games, but to no avail... But yeah, I'M BACK!
on May 29, 2013

Heyo!! :D Did you know I'm now finding original and popular Creepypastas and posting them here in a story called "Creepypasta Stories"? Here's the LINK.

Creepypasta Stories
Also, some are of gore and MUCH violence. Read at your own risk. :P Some are also NSFW. :/
I have decided to look up origional stories and such and then post them on here!! I'll be looking up popular stories like BEN DROWNED, Jeff the Killer, Lost Silver, etc. Enjoy!!

on May 25, 2013
on May 25, 2013

Wow, I won't be able to see you for two months... sucks.

Lolz!! You hsd me there. :P I can't believe I thought that was real!! Lolz, great Creepypasta begging! :D It really sets the horror mood. :D
on May 25, 2013

Oh crap! H3ll I'd be scared too. She's crying!?!? Oh gosh! O_O Lolz! Can't stop laughing! What happened? Lolz. I gotta go because my uncle invited us to his house so I'm stuck with 2 babies of ages 3 (or 4, 2, whatever) And like 1... or 2. No 1. 2. 1. 2. Screw the age! XD Wish me luck and complete UNboredom. :D
Also, I think da knives are scary and... I hope See More she's ok. O_O Just... stay calm and hope to God she doesn't call 911. :/ This isn't helping, is it?
Also, I think da knives are scary and... I hope See More she's ok. O_O Just... stay calm and hope to God she doesn't call 911. :/ This isn't helping, is it?
on May 25, 2013

I want to kill my sister... so, so badly... I wish there was no penalty for murder... I think i'm going insane, no idea... I'm scarred though, very. I just through my sketch pad and pencils across the room and a put a knife to my sisters throat. Shes upstairs crying, so am I...
on May 25, 2013
on May 24, 2013

Yeah I like your poems <3 sorry couldn't reply back on the PM because i didnt activate my account yet =\
on May 19, 2013

CONGRATZ, LEXI ON THE BROCHURE CONTEST!!!! You deserved it, big time! :)

:D Thank you!! My favorite part was how much ppl now know about Creepypastas. :D Not in on it for the prize, in fact when the teacher was saying what the prize was I barely paid attention. UNTIL she talked about GUM!! XD Lolz.
<3 the gum! :D
<3 the gum! :D
on May 18, 2013
on May 17, 2013

:D I ish <3 The Horror Reboot!! :D Story of my DREAMS!! I love how he says it and stuff. He makes you really question the creaking of your house, the shadow you saw out of the corner of your eye.... in fact HE SAID THAT IN ONE OF HIS VIDEOS!! XD
(P.s, I can't go to conversations 'cause my parents didn't look at their email and I use their email. I hate ma parents sometimes. SO OVER PROTECTIVE!!! XD)
(P.s, I can't go to conversations 'cause my parents didn't look at their email and I use their email. I hate ma parents sometimes. SO OVER PROTECTIVE!!! XD)

:D Lolz, sorry I didn't see this until now. :P I get on early and off... EARLY. XD Lolz. I can't wait to see it! You gonna post it on here? :D
on May 18, 2013

He He yeah oh, and sorry I haven't been on here today... I was working on my CreepyPasta story it's alot I have almost 2,000 words and It's still a work in progress!
on May 17, 2013
on May 16, 2013