Kanya888's Starred Questions

Kanya888 has 4 starred questions
Do you prefer *reader insert* stories?
I love to write fanfiction. This is a basic fact. :) I was wondering if anyone had any requests for fanfiction drabbles? If you'd like I could make some. Just ask me and tell me what you'd want it to be about! :D
6 / 6
Is this a good theory?
Ok, I noticed that the moon's orbit around the earth looks like a hydrogen atom. I theorize that every atom is actually (a) moon(s) (electron) orbiting a planet (proton) and every planet with moon(s) orbiting it is another ato...
5 / 3
How are you?
So howya doin?
3 / 2 profile question
Who wants a facepalm button on qfeast?
Sometimes there are comments that you read them and you think 'Sweet Mother Of God!!' or other thing.Don't you want a facepalm button for those situations?
199 / 496