EverymanHABIT's Photo: 141 / 157

Please read my comment about this (First one)

What?! No one is a nobody or they wouldn't be somebody. If you aren't somebody, then how are you here on this Earth today? No one is ever a nobody. Some people don't have many feelings, but they're hidden deep within. Don't feel bad about yourself and don't let others make you feel bad. You are a somebody and I have proved it for you! If you still don't believe See More▼
on May 17, 2014
so true...
on April 11, 2014
No one judges me...I'm not in middle school yet. But I know lots of people like to judge others and think it's funny. It's not funny to make people feel worthless. I know people will judge me for my randomness and weirdness. I like being weird and random. It's fun! But there's two types of weird. Mine, and the one people get made fun of for. Walking in someone See More▼
on February 25, 2014