Doge_Leader's Pages

Doge_Leader has 5 published pages
If we renamed things...
What if we renamed things? What if things didnt have names like they do now? Like a pencil eraser is a magic deleter. Or, clouds are sky pillows or sky cotton candy?
15 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Funny Jokes!
Post random jokes, made up or found online. Please no inappropriate content.
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Let's post mysteries! We can act like the people from Gravity Falls or something. We can be Dipper making up mysteries and being all "smart" and stuff. I really don't know I'm just bored.
0 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Weird Things We Used To Think
Post weird things that you said when you were a kid. I Used to think that "Dip" on the road was a place where it rained kétchup and mustard. XD I mean they are dips.
18 subscribers 2 members fully opened
April Fool's Day!
As most people know, tomorrow is April Fool's Day! Post any pranks (preferrably harmless ones) to pull on friends!
9 subscribers 1 member fully opened