CrystalDiamond2323's Starred Questions

CrystalDiamond2323 has 5 starred questions
What is your favorite hobby?
do you have hobby? let me know :)
4 / 0
Do you like tacos?
do you like tacos cuz tacos are cool
5 / 0
Qfeast Prom
Ok, so I was wondering if anybody was interested in doing a qfeast prom? Comment if you are so I can see if I should do it! Thanks! If you are interested, tell me and I'll organize it! (Idea claimed. Nobody exception to @Ravenc...
19 / 47 profile question
Favorite color?
pick one pick anything you want
19 / 3
Who are the best writers on Qfeast?
I want to see what people like on Qfeast and also how I can make my writing better. I don't care if you just say your favorite or the top three or whatever but I just wanna know!
6 / 7 profile question