BlueStripedFox's Questions
BlueStripedFox asked 10 questions

Why is Freddy the least favoured animatronic? I don't know why everyone says he's so ev...

Imagine if this was invented! Imagine if there was a machine in the future that could b...

What do these symbols mean? What do those symbols mean that are beside my follwers, pag...

Does anyone have any requests for quizzes, stories and stuff? Just say what you want me...

Do any of you guys live in Australia? Btw I'm Australian :)

What do you hope to get for Christmas?

My Squid Fortress in Minecraft This is my random Squidward fortress in Minecraft

have you encounter anything scary, or played the scary maze game, or any scary screamer...
Does anyone here watch mad? It's this show on Cartoon Network.