that_gamer_girl - Page 2

so... I'm a HUGE fan of Marvel things, I'm obsessed with halloween, I'm a HUGE fangirl. I (Obviously) play a lot of video games. so... that's me.... sooooooooo... Ima go now... BYE!!!
say: I'm fine just please can we stop talking about it?

mean: I'm broken beyond repair and I never want you to leave me I just want you to hug me tight enough that all my broken peices get smashed together
on October 01, 2015
you know when your doctor/nurse asks you if you've had thoughts of self-harm or committing suicide? I lie and say that I haven't.
on September 30, 2015
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Random Confessions You Probably Shouldn't Have Admitted Page!
Confess about random things. Whether it be about fandoms to pizza, post confessions about stuff.
6 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on September 30, 2015
yeah this is me!
MEEEE. I wont fangirl. I promise. So, you're cold, blunt, cynical, and pretty much doesn't care if your beloved dies. That's what you are on the outside but you're actually caring and nice on the inside. You know, pokerface. Basically tsunderes that are in "showing my care and and stuff" mode. So give me my cookie, then i'll give you yours. Sorry if my explanation sucks.
on September 29, 2015
tonight a dinner my brother screamed for no particular reason. I asked him what that was for and he said " There's some salt on my finger" so out of habit I yelled "Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus
omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio
infernalis adversarii, omnis legio,
omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.

Ergo draco maledicte
et omnis legio diabolica adjuramus te.
cessa decipere humanas creaturas, See More▼
on September 29, 2015
That awkward moment when you tell you family that you hunt monsters for a living and they think you're crazy...
on September 29, 2015
Say: so my jobs... Interesting...

Mean: I hunt things I really shouldn't tell you what but I'll put it this way that thing that goes bump in the night... I kill those on a daily basis.
on September 29, 2015
Say: welp... it's shark week...

mean: so... I'm bleeding for 5 days straight...
on September 28, 2015
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What you say vs what you mean
What you say to your friends or family vs what you mean. We all know it happens.
44 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on September 28, 2015
on September 28, 2015
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Supermoon 2015
Post pictures of the supermoon in your area for the supermoon of 2015!
8 subscribers 1 member fully opened
on September 28, 2015
uploaded a photo at Supernatural
Supernatural's Photo 0
on September 28, 2015
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Are you a part of the supernatural fandom? This page is for Supernatural fans! :D
10 subscribers 2 members fully opened
on September 17, 2015
You have a very dirty mind, and laugh at dirty things. I'm one, too, so you're not alone.... That sounded... wrong.
on September 17, 2015
Lol. that moment when you're just sitting there playing a game and the whole world freezes then disappears and you're character is just left there floating mid air...
on September 17, 2015
uploaded a photo
that_gamer_girl's Photo 4
on September 17, 2015