How FoxyFox came to be...

How FoxyFox came to be...

this is little story on how me got to how i am. i nice so i use good english. it make it easy to read.

published on July 23, 20184 reads 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Character Moods

Now this is the part I am still working on. He is a reflection of who I am at the same time who is inside of me that I never get to show. I am lazy so I will make a chart:
What I show that is him:
Skittish, sad, musical, fast, busy, annoying, cute (that is what people say at school at least)
Who is also me but I never show it:
Party Animal, happy, and cuddles!!
Here is what I am at right now:
Name: FoxyFox
Short Name: Foxy
Gender: Male
Animalia: South Dakotan Red Forest Fox
Relationship: (none)
Age: 13
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 97 pounds
Skill: Music, Archery, Corneta, Art
Job: Housekeeper
Location: Redding California
Habits: Carry knife around all day, have headphones on all day, play with tail, and brush fur very well.
Clothes: Cloths? He no need for them!
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