The dog that could not bark: kitty monster

The dog that could not bark: kitty monster

The second book about the puppy who could not bark the pups are worrier Skye doctor Marshall and me I am the puppy who could not bark in puppy power

published on August 10, 201520 reads 5 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.
Marshall saves the day

Marshall saves the day

"DOCTOR MARSHALL!!!!!" I yelled Marshall was there faster then you can say LOL he looked at Skye an shook his head he took Skye to the den I followed he told me to leave so he could try to help her I waited for a hour then Skye come running looking for me we looked at each other and hugged. "I thought you were dead!" I said surprised but happy " I know!" said Skye we I looked a Marshall and did a big thank you "bark!" and we hugged and hugged.
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