Down The Wrong Rabbit Hole (Creepypasta) (1)

Down The Wrong Rabbit Hole (Creepypasta) (1)

"Twas brillig and the slithy toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe~ All mimsy were the borogroves and the mome raths outgrabe~ Beware the Jabberwock my dear~ The jaws that bite, the claws that catch~ Beware the Jubjub Bird and shun~ The fruminous Bandersnatch..."

published on January 09, 2015124 reads 17 readers 2 not completed
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Chapter 5.


I flung the door wide open, laughing as the people in the house jumped. I laughed like a maniac, my would-be-killers following me. I vaulted over the couch and leaned against the side of the t.v for a moment, waving at the guy that was watching the news, then vaulted back over it as the two boys landed right next to me. I jumped onto the kitchen counter and grabbed the knives from the woodblock. II wiggled the last two knives teasingly and sang a rhyme that L.J used to sing.

"All around the the mulberry bush, the monkey chased weasel, the weasel thought twas all in good fun, pop, goes the weasel!" I threw the knives at them, pinning the one in a bloody white hoodie to the wall and the other one wearing a mask with black stuff leaking from the holes of his mask to the door.

"Dude, she totally stole L.J's thing!" I heard someone say and froze from where I was on the kitchen counter, knives poised.

"Did you just say… L.J?" I turned to the guy eating cheesecake and opened my backpack, pulling out my L.J Doll.

"Does he look like this?" I asked and it was dead silent.

"Answer me! Where is L.J?!" My voice cracked and I jumped off of the counter, throwing the last two knives into the boys' hoodies.

"Answer me now or so help me I will cut out your tongues!" I shouted. Then the TV caught my attention.

"It has been two months and asylum escapeé Alice Hatter has still not been found," The news woman said. "The authorities at St.Jude's Asylum for the Mentally Impaired say that she was the most docile young woman you'd ever meet. They tell us that they do not believe she is dangerous, just unstable. They have let us borrow a recent photo of her and if you see her or have any information, please contact them at..."

She continued to blab on as they showed a picture of me dressed in a white uniform at last Christmas, holding my monochromatic clown doll. The people in the living room looked at me and I stuffed L.J back in there.

"See ya!" I chirped and dashed out. Only to be caught two hours later and brought to the mansion, with my arms handcuffed with black chains as I attempted to play the melody of Pop Goes The Weasel. Needless to say I had fun driving everyone batsh!t crazy.

"Will you stop rattling those damn chains!" The guy I now knew as E.J shouted.

"Nope! Not until you tell me where L.J is!" I sang. The door opened and familiar laughter filled the room. I hung upside down on the arm of the couch that was closest to the door and smiled at the monochromatic clown.

"Hey babe," I drawled. "Long time no see, yea?"
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Comments (2)

That sounds awesome and creepy at the same time. It is really good.
on January 13, 2016
on January 10, 2015