What happened after BATIM chapter 4?

Another angel, called Allison, killed Alice. Did Alice angel die? Read to find out.

published on August 03, 20184 reads 1 reader 1 completed
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Chapter 4.

A not-so unbreakable machine

  Allison went to the machine quietly, she slowly tried cutting it open, but failed. "Oh, this is not easy. But I will try." Allison whispered to herself.

  After many failed attempts, Allison did not give up and made something. There were remainings of the old vintage paper wood. She used it to make a giant hammer and the sharpest sword. With a cut, she broke the machine. To make stuff worse, she hammered every piece till it was so small like thousands of yeast.
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Comments (1)

I wish the BATIM game has chapter 5
on August 03, 2018