Limon sibblings: Lime's Tragedy

Limon sibblings: Lime's Tragedy

Here is a non-canon story i came up with in the shower (shower thought!)

published on September 18, 20196 reads 2 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

High school day 2

Lemon was running really, really late to school.

Roulette Wheel: where's Lemon and Lime?
Snail Shell: i bet you $10 Lime beat Lemon up.

lemon would enter her classroom, silent, crying.

Magma Rock: dang. you won!
Poop: SHHH!
Mrs Light: Lemon? wheres Lime? you know we cant start the daily announcements if our Treasurer isnt here!
Lemon: ...
Snail Shell: He probably beat Lemon up and is getting in trouble for doing so.
Gel: nonsense! He must have tossed her somehow and gotten caught.
Magma block: No! he probably-
Lemon: Lime and I were walling home from school and we were crossing an intersection. a car was heading for me and Lime pushed me out of the way to the asphalt. He sacrificed himself for me. now he i in the hospital and he could be in there for 4 years!
Snail shell: is that a good thing or a bad thing?

all of the jerks in each class would laugh, making Lemon cry even more. Lemon rushed to the science lab to hide. roulette wheel would chase after her.

Lemon: came to make fun if my brother too?
Roulette wheel: what? no! of course not! im here to comfort you!
Lemon: did you lose a bet?
Roulette wheel: no! this is all willingly! Im roulette wheel! nice to meet you;
Lemon: my brother told me there was no such thing as friends in high school. he was right.
Roulette wheel: im not like the others!
Lemon: how can i trust you?
Roulette wheel: ill let you spin my turret.
Lemon: your what?
Roulette wheel: Turret! thats the topper that spins. its only really for decoration and i never let people touch it, mainly cause i cant see past it after a bit.

to be continued
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