My life as a earthbender...

This is the story a girl named Maylee and she was a earthbender ! What happens in her life ? Find out here !

published on July 19, 20146 reads 5 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 4.

Lost in the woods

Maylee and Kim's POV
Me and Kim were walking around the woods,we were lost and we missed Tylee. "I'm thirsty and hungry" I said "me too" Kim said. We then walked past the tree that we saw about 1,0000 times already "haven't we seen that tree before ?"
" *sigh* were lost" Kim said sitting down, I sat down too. "I miss Tylee" I said

Tylee's POV
I decided to start looking in the forest. I walked around for a bit until my stomach started growling. I then started looking for food, I was in luck because I saw a apple tree 'great all the apples are high up in the tree..' I thought 'I know let me try waterbending !' I then used the water whip a new move I just learned recently and it hit a apple, I caught it in my hands and started to eat it. 'Now to find Kim and Maylee' I thought once I finished my apple.

Back to Maylee and Kim's POV
Me and Kim have been walking for hours now and haven't had and food or water at all. "I feel like I'm going to pass out" I said after a while "really ? Ok um..I'll try and find some food" Kim said as she helped me sit down.
(Kim's POV)
"I won't be gone for long ok ?" I told Maylee she nodded her head and then I looked for food.I'm sure fruit won't fill Maylee up at all so the only other option is meat. I looked for ducks or fish but  I don't have a fishing rod so I can't get a fish. After a while I found a duck, I shot a fire ball at it and it killed it ! I sort of felt bad for it though...oh well ! I then ran back to Maylee "I killed a duck !" I said she looked at me "shouldn't you cook it ?" She asked "for a 4-year old you sure know a lot" I commented "I read Tylee's books" I then cooked the duck with fire bending,well more like burnt it but Maylee and I still ate it anyways.

Tylee's POV
I've been walking for hours now and my feet hurt really bad so I took a short rest by a tree. "I hope I find them soon.." I said, I noticed that the sun was starting to go down. "They must be starving by now" tears then started to form in my eyes "this whole mess never would have never happened if I didn't send them to's all my fault !" I said tears streaming down my face.

Maylee and Kim's POV
After eating that duck we started walking again but we stopped once we heard a crying voice "who would be out crying in the woods ?" I wondered "it could be Tylee" Kim said so we followed where the voice was coming from and it was Tylee !
"Tylee !!!" Me and Kim said in unison as we hugged her "how did you find me ?" She asked "we followed your crying voice" Kim said "I was that loud ?" We then broke into laughter.
After that moment happened we went back to the forest a.k.a our house.
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on July 19, 2014