Wtf is my life?

Wtf is my life?

Dont mind me this a really weird just writing practice to get me out of my writer's block and stuff ITS ALL OUT OF CONTEXT WHOO

published on January 21, 20217 reads 6 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 2.
Betrayal run (Spoilers for DSAF 3)

Betrayal run (Spoilers for DSAF 3)

"Dave... I've missed you."
Davetrap grinned widely. "Old Sport! Ya son of a bitch! C'mere!" He said, holding his arms out to Jack. Smiled, nearly crying and embraced the spring-locked freak that was once his best friend in the whole world. The embrace was long and surprisingly warm for him to be technically hugging a dead man. Davetrap took Jack by the shoulders, still smirking like a mad man. "Boy, am I glad you made the right choice!" He exclaimed happily, but within mere seconds the happiness turned to a much darker mood. "If ya hadn't....." He then switched back to his happiness. "Shit's gonna go down again Sportsy! And you and I- we're in this together!! We are gonna take reality for a ride Sportsy!" Jack smiled a little bit. "We're gonna take reality for a ride Dave?"
Dave chuckled. "Oh you bet your sweet orange ass we are!" Then Dave looked as if he remembered something. "Hey, Sportsey wanna see my party trick?" He had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, Jack knew he was up to something. So he just laughed. "Sure, Dave. Lay it on me." Dave's mangled face lit up. "Okay, old sport! Watch this," Seconds later there was a loud snap and Dave's head was flipped upside down. Jack could feel nausea along with many other mixed emotions in his gut as his friend looked like a five year old who had just learned to ride a bike. Jack stared at Dave and quickly decided he did NOT in fact like this trick. "Uh Dave that's er that's not very... Thats gross..." Dave set his head back on normally. "Awe you can't lie to me, Sportsy. I KNOW you are into this." Jack rolled his eyes. "So anyways, what's you latest plan Dave?"
"I like to call it, "Undead Davey's Delicious Drei step plan," (A/N Drei means 3 in german.)
"Okay, but what is the plan?"
"Oh, right"
Jack sighs. "What does this plan entail exactly?"
Davetrap nervously shifted. "Well... It's kinda a fun secret, for now"
Jack looked at Dave nervously, taking note of this Dave continued. "If I told you what steps two and three are you might.... Violently attack me or run for the hills!" He threw his arms up into the air as if this would prove his point. Jack narrowed his eyes a little. "That doesn't evoke much confidence in me Dave... But fùck it I'm bored, so what's step one?" Dave smirked at his orange companion. "Step one, Lets snatch ourself a kiddin'!" Jack groaned. "So we're back to abducting kids again?" "Not KIDS. A KID." Dave points out. "One kiddin' will do this time. We ain't in the 80s anymore, old sport."
Jack sighed. "Fine Lets do this,"
So the two put their plan in actoin, putting on their suits and luring one kid into the back, only for the kid to be brutally stabbed and disposed of, courtesy of Dave. At the end of the day Jack's boss yelled at him about the kid that went missing, but Jack couldn't hear, no he wouldn't hear any of it. He knew about what happened to that toddler that Dave and him slaughtered he knew the child's body was in the dumpster in the back. But that didnt matter, despite what his conscience said. He knew it was all for, well Dave.

That night he'd return to the Flipside, to see his sister and best friend. "Jack!" Dee exclaimed,happily. "You have returned! I am sooo glad!" "Hello Dee," Jack replies, he then looked to Dave and smiled. "Hello Dave," Dave looked away from Jack, disappointed in him. "Jack... Dave and I have been talking..." Dee said. "We have found a new soul for us to free!" "Ah that's great!" Jack responds flatly. "So, are we gonna get going?"
"Ya know what?? No." Dave said, looking at Jack, anger in his soulless eyes. "I'm not gonna pretend I didn't see that I can't see this obvious BULLSHIT. Sportsy! Why don't we cut the fùcking act?"Jack blinked innocently. "What act, Dave?" Dave laughed aloud. "OH, CUT THE BULLSHIT, OLD SPORT!" Jack flinched and Dee stared in shock. "I have been watching from my own  eyes, from my old body... Monitoring the real world.. I- I saw what you did!" His voice cracked and his eyes teared up a little. "Dave... What are... What are you talking about?" Dee would say. "He's been killing kids, Dee!" Dave said plainly. "He killed a kid at work! Christ even killing a kid is being generous. The kid that you slaughtered today was practically an infant!" Dave marched up to Jack. "And you..." He grabbed Jack by the collar and slammed him into a wall. "You piece of shit!" He hollered. But Jack just smiled to him as tears poured from Dave's eyes. "You haven't learned a damn thing..." "Don't take that tone with me! You and I killed that kid together" Jack argued. "DON'T YOU DARE! That ain't me! That... That Thing ain't me!"
"Dave... Is that true- Jack is a-" Dee stopped and Dave nodded. "All this "free the souls" shit is just that. BULLSHIT! I see it now. You KNEW exactly what you were doing. You were trying to lure us further and further into the Flipside! You're gonna lure us into the same place and commit GENOCIDE." Dave growled. Dee was untterly heartbroken and looked to Jack to Dave and back to Jack. "Jack- I  trusted you!" She cried. "And you-" "That thing aint your brother." Dave interrupted. "Maybe it once was, but not anymore. Your brother died years ago. This thing isnt human." Jack decided to pull a 180 and smiled to his dear sister. "Dee, it's me Jack." He said. "Jack-"
"Nice fùcking try, sportsy. Your facade has shattered." Dave chuckled, Dee put a hand on Dave's shoulder. "Dave... We can't leave him... He'll claim more lives, kill innocent people." She said. "Like hell I'm letting him leave. We're containing him!" Jack chuckled. "I'd like to see you two try." Dee looked down darkly. "I never thought I'd be fighting along side Dave Miller, of all people..." Dee said. "You dont have to fight WITH me, Dee. You just have to keep fighting HIM."
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