Little Lies and Secrets

Little Lies and Secrets

Pippin and Emmy have just recently quit their jobs and have returned to hunting full time again. They happily look for any excuse to join the Winchester brothers and their Angel, Castiel, on the hunt for a witch that seems to have it out for anyone who looks remotely close to Pippin. But like the Winchesters, the girls have their own brand of bad luck and nothing ever goes to plan. Eventually Pippin decides enough is enough...

published on April 17, 20168 reads 4 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 5.

Bite Me!

          Pippin groaned tiredly as she struggled to obtain enough energy to lift up her head from her hands. Castiel wasn't present, already scouring major cities and towns for any signs of Vela while they waited for the arrival of Sirius. Emmy paced back and forth in front of Pip in clear agitation, Dean's worried eyes following her movements across the floor as Sam leaned against the couch in Bobby's living room. Bobby hadn't been thrilled about Pippin telling Sirius to meet up at his place but he reluctantly agreed to the sudden, spur of the moment, arrangement. The room was more tense than Pip had ever remembered it being, even topping when Bobby found out that Emmy had snuck four turtles, a stray dog, and a bird into his house. As it stood they were all more worried about sweet Emberlyn than Pippin's ridiculous sickness, even Pippin herself wasn't all that concerned about her own well-being; at least not as much as she was Emmy's. On top of that there had been no immediate side effects from the reddened mark scrawled across her own inner arm and so she didn't think much of it. The sharp knock on the door jarred Pip and Em from their thoughts and everyone's heads collectively as one turned to stare at the front door. Emmy swiftly walked over and tugged the door open in mild annoyance, not quite able to figure out why she was feeling that way towards the person or persons who knocked. Her eyes widened comically as she looked into the piercing blue eyes of the man standing before her. He was dressed in a white dress shirt, black blazer, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. The only thing that seemed to contradict his professional appearance was his obsidian black hair. The bangs brushed the edge of his dark eyebrows while the rest of the messy hair was pulled back into an extremely short ponytail. Next to the towering man was a woman shorter than Pip was. Her lavender colored hair was pulled back into two braided pigtails, the light brown roots of her original hair color showing slightly. Her arms were securely wrapped around an abnormally large amount of books that looked like they were slipping from her grip as they stood there assessing each other.
         "Evening Emberlyn Wesson. I assume Pippin is inside?" The man asked, his voice bordering on a rich baritone tone as he spoke. Emmy snapped out of the trance like state and stepped aside for them to enter. Once she was clear of the door, and the two could see the clearly exhausted Pippin sitting on the coffee table with her head in her hands as she struggled to stay awake before Emmy crossed her arms over her chest and eyed the two suspiciously. Just because they knew their names didn't mean they were safe or that Em would trust them. Sam and Dean immediately straightened up and cleared their expressions to a default look when Emmy stepped aside. Both men apparently agreed whole heartedly with Em about trusting the new comers. There was a sharp gasp and everyone's heads turned towards the duo. The lavender haired woman had dropped the pile of books in her arms, the man only able to save a few while the rest tumbled to the ground. He was bent down on his haunches, balancing on the balls of his feet while he picked up the dropped books with a look of gentle patience. It was almost like he expected this type of reaction. The lavender haired woman stared at Pippin for a long and tense moment before she darted forward towards the hunter. Everybody, excluding Pip, jumped in shock and alarm, their guard rising quickly as adrenaline surged through their veins. The three others expected a battle. Emmy's hand darted to her back pocket to grab her obsidian dagger while Dean and Sam both flinched towards their own respective weapons. 
         "Pippers!" The woman yelled, small circular glasses falling off her face as she tackled the hunter in a tight hug. Pippin only had enough time to look up before she was tackled, making an odd squeaking noise Dean would no doubt tease her for making later. Once Pippin realized who had her in their grasp she laughed and ruffled the shorter woman's hair affectionately. The man stepped in and set the stack of books in the table before stepping away, ending up closest to Dean who was clearly not happy with how close he was standing next to him if his tense posture was anything to go by.
        "Hey Padfoot." Pippin answered back as the woman pulled away and stared sternly at her old friend, eyes squinting slightly without her glasses on.

        "You look like shit." Sirius stated bluntly before casting a glare at the Winchester brothers. "Have they run you into the ground?!" She huffed in irritation, provoking cries of protest from both brothers. Pippin merely snorted in amusement and waved away Sirius' concern and accusation. She looked up and locked eyes with the man before giving him a lopsided grin as Sirius bent down to retrieve her glasses.
       "Sup Moony?" Pippin asked and Sam looked up with a confused look. Maybe it was just fatigue at this point but he realized the connection between the names Pippin used and the people before them.
        "This is Sirius and Lupin?"
         "Really Pippin? Pippers?" Sam and Dean asked at the same time, Dean trying to stifle his laughter at hearing Pippin's old nickname while Sam was merely confused. Emmy burst into giggles at the Harry Potter references before she managed to get herself under control. Pippin rolled her eyes at Dean before getting to her feet with Sirius.
        "Right anyways let's sit down and see if we can't figure out how to get rid of Em's curse." She interjected causing the room to fall silent, heavy with the seriousness of the situation once more.

        It hadn't been a fruitful search, since they wanted to exhaust all other means before they turned to Vela's Grimore. Even Sirius didn't feel comfortable just holding the Grimore in her hands, knowing the history behind it and who's it had been at one point. 
Sam had long since hit the sack so he would actually be able to function the next day while Sirius and Emmy had fallen asleep on the table during their research. Dean was nursing a beer and a shitty attitude because he refused to leave the two woman alone with the witch and her assistant. If Emmy got hurt or God forbid killed he would never be able to forgive himself. If Pippin got killed Cas would blast his sorry ass to Hell. Despite the Angel's protests he knew for a fact that he had feelings for the most infuriating woman Dean knew.
        "Prehaps the two of you should rest." Lupin's voice suggested softly, careful not to wake up the sleeping hunters. Pippin merely shrugged her shoulders while Dean scoffed at the mere suggestion.
        "Bite me." He snapped viciously and Lupin raised an eyebrow at the eldest Winchester. Something akin to concern and irritation crossing his features before he sighed.
       "That would be detrimental to your health much less your occupation." Lupin informed Dean calmly before he returned to the book he was skimming over. Pippin turned sharply and hissed something Dean couldn't quite make out at the assistant before Lupin merely gave a small, reassuring smile in her direction. Dean's eyes narrowed in suspicion as he looked back and forth between the two. They were definitely hiding something from the rest of the team. He opened his mouth to voice his suspicions when the familiar sound of wings filled the air. Dean spun on his heel to greet Castiel when he paused at the Angel's dark expression. Dean immediately straightened up and looked Cas in the eyes, worried about his friend.
        "What's wro-" Dean started before Castiel erupted, interrupting Dean mid-sentence.
        "What's wrong," He began slowly, his voice deepened with anger, mistrust, and betrayal as he spoke. "Is that you seem to have forgot to tell me we decided to house more than a mere witch Dean!" He growled out, getting the attention of both Pippin and Lupin. Pippin paled considerably when she saw Cas in his current mood and she cast a quick glance at a clearly worried Lupin. She stood up abruptly and stumbled toward the Angel, tripping over Emmy's bag on the way over to him.
        "Hey Cas I can explain!" She started quickly, trying to soothe his anger with a gentle press of her grace against his. Unfortunately it only seemed to increase his ire and he flared his grace darkly against hers to let her know that he would not be calmed.
       "Woah woah! Time out." Dean said as he set his beer on the table, choosing to stand between the quarreling lover birds. "First explain to me what's going on. Why are you so pissed Cas?" He interjected and Castiel only spared him a glance in his direction before locking his eyes back into Pip. She suddenly felt threatened as her fight or flight started to kick in and she silently snarled at Castiel, practically daring him to say something about their guests and her friends.
         "Don't you dare tell him Castiel!" She snapped, her voice rising in volume, causing Lupin to stand up from his chair in pure concern. Moony knew that tone of voice and it would be dangerous for everyone else should the two get into a brawl. Castiel sneered at the hunter slightly, pushing any feelings he might have for her away into a dark corner. This was ridiculous! She had willingly invited not only a witch into the Singer household but also that abomination she affectionately nickname 'Moony'! He was soaked to the bone from the storm raging outside but the more he focused on how much he just tried to help the hunter in front of him and how she immediately went behind his back the first chance she had, the angrier he got. Castiel let his wings unfurl in a display of power as lightning struck, illuminating the contours of the Angels' wings. Dean retreated back to stand near Emmy as the Angel and Hunter had their little pissing contest. He had seen the two fight before they could tolerate each other and he knew for a fact that he didn't want to be between them when the yelling started. The sound of a fire crackling softly mixed with the sharp biting sound of electricity snapping echoed through the room, jolting the sleeping Emmy and Sirius awake. The two woman looked up at the scene in groggy confusion. Emmy wanted to smack the two when her sleep addled brain processed what was going on. Both sets of eyes were shimmering with blue-white grace and a huge pair of wings that towered over everyone flashed into existence when lightning struck through the air outside.
         "You're not my Goddamn keeper!" She cried out, breaking the tension and making Emmy jump. Sirius swore under her breath as Lupin wrapped his arms around Sirius' tiny frame protectively while Dean took a half step in front of Emmy, blocking her view of the argument partly. By now the two would have stepped down but this time was clearly different. Emmy could see Pip struggling with her exhaustion to keep her grace up. Needless to say she had never seen that before, not to mention the soft glowing from under her plaid flannels sleeve that had an angry dark red glow to it. That was not normal and definitely a foreshadowing she couldn't figure out.
         "YOU'RE DYING PIPPIN! DO YOU THINK I HAVEN'T NOTICED!? YOU'RE HURT ON A LEVEL THAT I CAN'T HEAL!" Castiel yelled in frustration and that stunned everyone, except Pippin, into a shocked silence. Emmy covered her mouth in horror, any ignorance about Pippin's condition suddenly gone and now she could see clearly why she was so tired all the time. So drained of energy and emotions and always having fever dreams and a higher than normal temp.
          "IM NOT DYING YOU-YOU OVER DRAMATIC," Pippin paused in her blind anger as she cast around for the words she was looking for before finding them. "WINGED PRICK!" Pippin cried back, denying the entire thing though it sounded more like she was trying to convince herself rather than Castiel. There was merely silence for a long moment before it was broken by the sound of a body hitting the floor heavily as Pippin collapsed out of the blue. Emmy’s eyes widened as she pushed Dean out of her way and ran over to Pippin's unconscious form. She was breathing and the only reason she could find for her passing out was using too much Grace all at once. Em turned slowly towards Cas with unconcealed rage shining darkly in her eyes, the hand that rested on Pippin's neck, at her pulse point, curled into a shaking fist. For the first time ever Emmy burst out into a violent and angry rage. And she directed it all towards the resident Angel who currently looked horrified and torn about what to do. The only thing that kept him from going to Pip's aid was the sudden and irrational terror that had appeared in the form of Emberlyn Wesson. She looked the spitting picture of calm but her eyes held a dark rage that he could practically feel. He wasn't prepared for the stinging of the hit. Cas simply let his head follow Emmy's hand as she smacked him across the face. 
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