Ezra the Wolfbit

Ezra the Wolfbit

F.Y.I a wolfbit is a mixture of a rabbit and a wolf. Anyways, I hope you enjoy!

published on June 23, 201462 reads 12 readers 5 not completed
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Chapter 11.
Ezra's Nightmare

Ezra's Nightmare

I was standing in the woods. The moon was HUGE! "Hahaha!" A deep voice laughed "Huh, who's there?" I asked looking around. "I am no one. Just a voice of your imagination." A deep voice said. "Where am I?" I asked. "In my world and you have follow my rules. You can get out of here, if..."

"If what?" I asked. "If you can survive. Find a blue key and you can go." He said. Huh, a find a blue key. Sounds easy enough... right? I heard something growl and jerked my head around. A black wolf came out. "N-nice wolfie. G-good wolfie." I stammered. It lunged at me as I curled up into a ball. I waited for a while and looked up. I noticed that the wolf laid there dead with blood everywhere. I stood up and gasp at the sight. Someone or something must have killed it. I looked around and the scene too has changed. You know in the old school Sonic games where there was Green Hill Zone? Yeah, I was there. It looked like an ordinary course, but something bugged me about it. I saw a ring and ran to go get it, but when I did... it vanished. "Hahaha!" The voice came back. I started to run away from the voice when I suddenly saw Sonic. His back was turned against me. "Sonic! Hey Sonic!" I called running towards him. He showed no care that I was there. "Um... Son-"

"Got cha" Sonic said turning around. I jumped back because Sonic didn't look like him self. He had black, red eyes. His teeth were sharp and yellow, like when your teeth rot, and he has blood all over his face. He grabbed my arm. "AH! Let me go!" I screamed hitting Sonic. He laughed in my attempt and smiled at me. "Wanna play?"

"No!" I answered. "Too bad!" He yelled. He vanished and I started to run. Creepy music started to play as I ran. I looked behind me and saw Sonic flying after me. "NO!" I screamed. I tripped and curled up into a ball and cried. I then heard Tails scream in pain. I got up and looked behind me. No Sonic. "Tails! I'm coming!"

"Hurry Ezra!" Tails cried. I saw a tall building and flew up into the highest window. I found my self in a dark room. "Tails? Are you in here?

"Yes." Tails answered. He sounded like he was sick with sore throat. Light came on and I saw Tails. Dead. "Tails!" I cried running over to him. Someone must've ripped his origins out because there was blood everywhere. Especially, where his were suppose to be at. I teared up at the sight of the dead fox. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I looked back and saw a Tails Doll flying in front of me. It gave me an evil grin and showed me a knife. "Your turn." It said. I started to run again and out of the building. The Tails Doll was right on my tail. I ran into the woods. BANG! I heard a gun shoot and fell down to the ground. The doll disappeared and everything went a dark red, like blood. I held my stomach and cried out of frustration and fear. "Hahaha!" I heard the voice again. I continue to cried and felt someone jerking me back and forth.... back and forth.... back and forth....
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Comments (5)

Yes I did add Sonic. Exe and Tails Doll in here
on July 27, 2014
Cool story
Thanks. You'll like it even more when I'm done with it :D
on June 23, 2014
on June 23, 2014
on June 23, 2014
on June 23, 2014