create your own hogwarts student!

Always wanted to attend Hogwarts? Create a student here! Please let me know what you got in the bottom, and I will make one, too!

published on November 11, 20143 reads 1 reader 1 completed
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Chapter 3.


Pick your favourite Harry Potter book.

'Philosopher's Stone' - first year
'Chamber of Secrets' - second year
'Prisoner of Azkaban' - third year
'Goblet of Fire' - fourth year
'Order of the Phoenix' - fifth year
'Half-blood Prince' - sixth year
'Deathly Hallows' - seventh year
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Comments (1)

So, this is my character.

Name: Riley Valentine
Year: Fifth year
House: Ravenclaw
Favourite Class: Astronomy See More▼
on November 11, 2014