Cherry Viridi

Cherry Viridi

My fanfiction seres comes to Qfeast in this seres we have multiple timelines so I will put them in the chapter titles

published on August 02, 20150 reads 0 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 4.

Cherry Viridi an alternate timeline (this is the title from but this has been turned into the main canon timeline

Cherry Viridi Alternate timeline starting from universe hopping to the death of pit

sorry for this it had to be made for qfeast standards also f uc k is changed to f in the stories for the same reason

Cherry Viridi opens a portal to Kid Icarus uprising universe instead of the first universe she goes to. She quickly goes back to her penthouse to get a secret camera to put above her eyes to get the closest view to first person. She reopens the portal but uses her stealth skills to secretly walk around skyworld but after a hour of sneaking around she hears Pit and Palutena talking about what they will have for dinner. She then hears Pit coming so she quickly grappels to the ceiling and hides from sight then sneaks to into kitchen to graffiti Richtofen on the floor using what she could find around in the fridge and the cabinets. She gets back on the ceiling and gets out of there like Catwoman she opens a door to what to be Pit's room so she looks around until she can find a place to put a mini camera to watch the kitchen to see their reaction after finding that spot and setting up, Palutena and Pit find her using her magic she takes Cherry Viridi down off the ceiling. When down she pulls down a gas mask then reachs for her thing of joker gas threatening to pull the pin to kill them both at the same time with a smile. Palutena yells not to pull the pin so Cherry Viridi doesn't the goddess and angel ask how she got there, she answers that it is classified. Pit after talking to Cherry Viridi tackles the assassin their battle rolls them into the kitchen where Pit grabs a nearby knife while he is doing that Cherry Viridi pulls out a kunai. She and Pit slash at each other until Viridi walks into the temple wondering where Pit is Pit runs out of the now messed up kitchen to go to Viridi. Viridi sees Cherry Viridi and aks Pit is he dating her Cherry Viridi answers never seen him before because I am human he is an angel and I look nothing like a goddess or an angel. Viridi asks how the hell she got there she answers universe opening portal after that Palutena walks in the room and tells Cherry Viridi to go back to her universe and Cherry Viridi does. After a few days of restoring Arkham Aysulm and pool swimming Cherry Viridi goes back to kid icaus universe but this time she goes to Viridi's palace while there she finds out everyone is out and Viridi will be there in the shorest time possible so she decides to scare Viridi. To start she shoots out the lights so Viridi will be in complete darkness then puts fake blood in the floor and changes out of her stealth suit into a blood soaked one from her past then gets in pool of fake blood with four minutes to spare. Viridi opens the front door to find a fake dead Cherry Viridi when she gets near her face to see if she is still alive and jumpscares her Viridi got so scared that she pees her self and Cherry Viridi is laughing so much. After that Cherry Viridi is taken in a heavenly glow to be appointed as goddess of fear and darkness she accepts then she builds her palace in between Palutena's and Viridi's in a triangle pattern. After becoming a goddess she starts working on a ultra version of her fear toxin so it will give a longer experience but not kill them, after making a batch she gets a knock on the door to her surpirse its Pit,Palutena, and Viridi. They came to congradulate her on becoming a goddess, Cherry Viridi takes them to the main living space of the palace which is a sofa, a bar with kitchen, a coffee table with some controlers on it , a juggernog machine, a stamin up machine beside juggernog ,A giant flatscreen tv with an ps4,xbox 360,and wii u plugged into it with an collection of games below it those games being Batman Arkham Knight and battlefield 4 for ps4, Cod waw,bo1,bo2,mw1,mw2,mw3 batman arkham aysulm city and origins for xbox 360 and for wii u hyrule warriors, smash 4, mariokart 8, wind waker hd. Cherry Viridi tells them make themselves at home and that she will be right back, a few minutes later wearing a gas mask she tells them all not to go into the bedroom,bathroom,or laundry room there has been an fear toxin leak and the back up generators are working on it but it will be fixed tomorrow. Viridi says well i am staying at Pit and Palutena's place tonight while it gets cleaned if its alright with Palutena i don't see why not you could come too after that Palutena says its fine Cherry Viridi trys to protest saying I have a penthouse in my universe but they insist so she comes anyway but takes a few bottles of juggernog and stamin up also a controller to play smash against the two other goddesses and angel.At Palutena's temple they boot up smash bros 4 Palutena picks well herself Pit and Viridi are too busy making out to play and Cherry Viridi picks toon link they go to omega temple with gerudo valley playing but Cherry Viridi can't hear it because she is listening to her ipod the songs being funhouse 115 lullaby of a dead man beauty of annihilation. After a while of smash and Pit and Viridi making out the four of them start playing truth or dare Palutena dares Viridi to play a match of smash against Cherry Viridi Viridi loses the match Viridi dares Cherry Viridi to play all of the songs on her ipod out loud after that they ask what was that to her songs she says i like those even though most of them are nazi zombies easter egg songs. Cherry Viridi dares pit to drink an entire bottle of juggernog she quickly teleports to get another bottle of the stuff for her dare against Pit he drinks it and asks how do you drink that stuff she answers because you don't get awesomeness like i do, Pit dares Palutena to fight Cherry Viridi and here are the rules no powers just Goddess vs Goddess before they fight Cherry Viridi gets ready she gets her fight suit on and drinks some perks those being Juggernog,Stamin up, speed cola, double tap,phd flopper,and electric cherry. The details on her fight suit are that is made of spider silk that is stronger than kevlar it having a built in gas mask several types of grenades some syrinages at the finger tips with claws a supply of fear toxin that goes into the syrninages and a few kunais in the back a holster for her pistol and a thing on the back to hold her fal on. At the arena Palutena sees the equipped assassin/goddess she tells the three how she drank some more perks for this fight after a hour of combat Cherry Viridi wins using phd flopper and electric to her greatest advantages. They go back to the living room to keep doing some more truth and dare Palutena asks truth or dare to Cherry Viridi answers truth she ask her what is the worst thing Cherry Viridi has ever done she answers probaly the time i burnt down a chemical plant to do a job then had to dig through the rubble to find the dead body and take a picture of it and send it to my contact or the time i stuck three kunais through a person. They are shocked in horror as of what she has done before she asks Viridi truth or dare she answers dare Cherry Viridi says sing beauty of annihilation lullaby for a deadman or 115 take your pic she picks lullaby for a deadman and she does the entire thing and they are surprised. Viridi asks Pit truth or dare Pit answers dare Viridi dares Pit to fight Cherry Viridi he answers fine but you have to make out with me again she agrees to that Cherry Viridi quickly refills on perks and ammo Cherry Viridi wins again. Pit asks Viridi truth or dare Viridi answers dare Pit dares Viridi to go with Cherry Viridi to her universe and cause some chaos the two cause as much chaos as the joker and karley by blowing up buildings and construction sites. Cherry Viridi tells Viridi to tell pit and Palutena that she is going back in time to find something Cherry Viridi sends Viridi back to skyworld. Cherry Viridi opens a portlal to world war two and finds the real life der reise she gets in by disguises herself as a commander for the nazi army to get in she gets in then finds Die Gloke and the blueprints she takes them than goes back to her palace with all the equipment to build Die Gloke. Viridi comes to Cherry Viridi's palace to see if Cherry Viridi is there she finds her in a new room which the half built machine is in she asks what the hell are you building Cherry Viridi answers Die Gloke Viridi asks what does that mean she answers by showing her the blueprints. She says oh is that german I am reading Cherry Viridi nods her head in agreement.
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