His High-functioning Sociopath (BBC Sherlock Fanfiction)

His High-functioning Sociopath (BBC Sherlock Fanfiction)

Elizabeth Peyton is Sherlock's best friend from school. They are like two peas in a pod. Both are smart, they can do deductions, and they do almost everything together. Join them from childhood to adulthood with their adventures, and how far they have accomplished. And also what they're feelings are for each other.

published on July 25, 201546 reads 5 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 4.

Chapter 4

One year later. . .

"William, Elizabeth is here!" Sherlock's mother calls out from the front door. Teenage boy Sherlock quickly bounds down the steps, making sure he had everything he needed for High School, before meeting with his mother and best friend. After a couple of months later when they became friends, Sherlock decided to introduce his best friend to his family, proving that he does have a friend. They were obviously amazed (especially Mycroft) when they saw her, and how she can make deductions as well. Since then, they allowed her to come whenever she desired, instead of her sneaking into the house to get to Sherlock. Mycroft obviously spoke with Elizabeth during the times she went to their home, and they became quite good friends, Mycroft being like an older brother to Elizabeth.

"Hey Lizzy!" Sherlock grins.

"William." she greets back, smiling back at him.

"See you in the afternoon mother." Sherlock said to his mother.

"See you two in the afternoon," she returns. "Be careful on the first day of High School!" Sherlock's mother calls to them, since they were already walking away, their arms locked together.

"We will!" they call back without turning back. Sherlock's mother sighs happily, leaning against the door frame.

"Them two are growing up so fast." she murmurs to her husband who was in the living room.

"Soon they will realise that they love each other." he replies, smiling in the direction of his wife.

"Ooh, I will have a daughter-in-law then!"

"You already treat her like she is your daughter."

"She deserves it." the mother huffs, closing the front door when she no longer saw the two said kids. "She doesn't really have a family."

During the times when Elizabeth came to the Holmes home, she told them how her family doesn't care about her and basically ignore her when she is around the house. Elizabeth wonders why they would have her if they don't acknowledge her.


"Are you ready for the first day of High School?" Elizabeth asks Sherlock.

"Yeah, but I am a little nervous." Sherlock admits. "We might get more bullied than Primary School."

"Well no matter what, we are here for each other until we go our separate ways."
"I don't want to go separate ways. I am happy with what I have now." Sherlock replies, frowning.

"Same. But you never know, this world isn't really fair." Elizabeth frowns. "But for now, we live in the present, as how lots of people put it."

"Yeah." Sherlock agrees, resting his cheek on her head.

They finally reached their destination, making them look at each other scared, and move closer to each. "Time for battle." the both of them state, taking their first step into the school.
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