Undertale - A New Beginning - Part 2

Undertale - A New Beginning - Part 2

Hey this is my second story to an ongoing series call Undertale A New Beginning. Please leave comments so I know if you guys like the series and if I should keep making more but even still I hope you guys enjoy.

published on April 04, 201738 reads 10 readers 8 not completed
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Chapter 3.


I get the feeling of passing out from the heat but I resist it. "Amaze, are you alright, you don't look so good." Toriel said. "I'm fine, I'm just hot, that's all." I said. Toriel gives me a worried look as we continue to walk through the Core. After a few minutes of walking we leave the Core and enter the castle and I start to feel normal and full of energy.
Toriel and I reach the Castle and I say "Toriel, can you handle me beating the crap out of your ex?". "Yes, I'm fine with it but don't kill him." Toriel said.  "Okay, I won't kill him, I'll just get the message across." I said. Toriel nods and we enter the Castle. After a few minutes we walk into the throne room and we see Asgore sitting on his throne, and as we enter the room he stands up and says "Toriel, you returned, and you brought another monster.". "I'm not a monster like you, I'm an Anthro fox." I say in anger.
"I knew you were coming and I know you won't be leaving here alive." Asgore said. "Toriel, this is gonna get ugly." I said as I drew my sword. "Well It was nice meeting you, Goodbye." Asgore said. Toriel backs away and Asgore and I prepare to fight. Asgore summons a glowing, red trident and attacks with it and I tighten my grip on my sword and close my eyes, take a deep breath, and swing my sword and all I hear is my sword hitting the trident and knocking it out of Asgore's hands and him begging for mercy.
I open my eyes and I see my sword to Asgore's neck and his armor all scratched up and his trident in my other hand. Toriel was staring at me in fear of what just happened. "Please, have mercy on me." Asgore said. I look at him and say "Alright, but you have to make up for the damage you have done to the underground.".
Asgore nods and we hear a loud crash and go to investigate and we find a giant tv with a face on it and with multiple attachments that shouldn't be there and I go to talk with the whatever it is and It says "I'm Omega Flowey, and I will rule everything.". I grip my sword and prepare to fight.
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Comments (8)

I love Undertale so this is great! :3
thank you
on April 05, 2017
on April 05, 2017
Awesome story
what was it
on April 04, 2017
did you get the reference
on April 04, 2017
on April 04, 2017
thank you
Your welcome
on April 04, 2017
on April 04, 2017
on April 04, 2017