-Fallen Angels- part 1

I keep on forgetting my password e.e so, this is about a girl named Umbra, with an unexpected life. This isn't about her whole entire life of course o-o err. WHAT A BORING DESCRIPTION :D

published on March 11, 20150 reads 0 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

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I sighed. This was worse than math. I was picked first. I growled, and sang the Five Nights At Freddy's song. When I finished  everyone clapped. Everyone but Dina. I sighed, trying to get air. This went on for an hour, now.
It was time to go home after everyone finished. I slipped my backpack on and raced to the bus. I arrived home, and unlocked the door. I put my keys down, and did homework.
I was literally sweating when I finished. I wiped the sweat, but then there was a knock at the door. I opened it. No one was there. I growled, "again?" I peered at the door knob. This time there was no blood on the door knob, but clearly written in blood on the doors. I read it. It said, Fear Me. I rolled my eyes, shutting the door. I turned on the TV, and watched The Walking Dead. I heard the knock again, but ignored it. I honestly knew it was the one who plays with blood.
Hours passed, and I looked at my watch. 7:35 PM. Suddenly, the power turned off. I looked around, shocked. I heard the knock again, and sighed on disgust. I opened it, and immediately an axe was thrown at me. I dodged it, and grabbed it. The thrower was an unknown shadow...

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