Hellion's OCs

Hellion's OCs

I have a lot of ocs so... yep. You don't have to read it. They're not color yet. I color them someday , but I'll take a long time. Some of the chapters are long.

published on July 12, 20160 reads 0 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 3.
Satomi Hisakawa

Satomi Hisakawa

Name: Satomi

Last Name: Hisakawa

Nicknames: Sato (By: Hiroshi)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Race: Japanese

Lover: Hiroshi Nadeke

Height: 5'1 (154.94 cm )

Weight: 130 lbs (58.967 kg?)

Likes: Bright colors , Walking , reading (literature mostly) , bubbles

Dislikes: mean people , sports

Occupation: Librarian

Powers/Weapons: N/A

Behavior: Satomi is nice , kind and patient guy. He gets very scared easily. He's a trustful guy , whenever you have secrets but you want to tell a person but scared of that person that might tell someone else , tell Satomi. He only gets mad if you break his friends feelings. Around Hiroshi , he sometimes could shy around him depending what he he does to him.

Backstory: Satomi had a pretty good childhood nothing really bad happened. Now living with Hiroshi happily.
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