Kuchisake Onna

It is a Japanese urban legend about a woman with a slit mouth. She will go around the streets asking "Am I pretty?"

published on March 22, 201919 reads 5 readers 2 completed
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Chapter 5.

Saving a friend

  The next day, Dai walked home and found herself in a similar situation. Aiko, who knew what to do saw what happened. Aiko quickly threw her fruits and candies at Kuchisake Onna. Kuchisake Onna looked a little confuse and started eating. "Quick, run now Dai!" Aiko said. Dai ran home.
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Comments (2)

If you say “no” she’ll kill you with scissors and if you say “yes” she’ll take off her mask and ask again.
on March 26, 2019
on March 22, 2019