What if FNATL 1-3 phone calls are transcripted?

Finally, we have transcripts over the internet of Phone Guy's calls from every night in every game! Employee #3 is voiced by TinyThyMelon while Tommy is voiced by GameSalmon.

published on August 12, 202065 reads 10 readers 2 completed
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What if FNATL 1-3 phone calls are transcripted?
Chapter 16.
Chapter 16: A story about Noo Noo and Employee #3

Chapter 16: A story about Noo Noo and Employee #3

I just had to... interrupt this call. It's the only way I can communicate now. First thing, currently doing these calls are perfectly fine of course, but unfortunately, same can't be said for me. Don't think I don't know who you are, employee 6. I'm fully aware that you are the cause of the incident that drove this company into the ground. My body may not be alive, but my mind lives. I've taken full control of that vacuum cleaner by now, as well as every animatronic that has been made. Remember PTLD-93? Quite a clever way of spying around the place, but not clever enough. Despite everything you've done, I will find a way to forgive you, but it will take us the loss of your life. [slowed down FNATL 3 Po scream]
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