The after effects of the hunger games

A little girl gets a home and a family when she needs them the most. though she has done wrong in the past can she ever change her ways for the future.

published on January 26, 20157 reads 5 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 5.

against me

When Peeta left for the store I asked to go with him. “I don’t think that’s a good idea yet. Maybe next time, okay?” Peeta said. I just felt like all hope was gone again. “Yeah.” I lied to Peeta.   “I’ll be back soon. You need to be clean when I get back. Got it!” he said. I shook my head.
I did as Peeta told me and cleaned myself up. Not like it’d make a difference now. I stayed in the living room because Katniss was cleaning up the house. There was nothing for me to do.
So I’d ask to go outside, I thought. “Katniss, may I please go outside to play?” I asked. “No.” Katniss said plane and simply. But I didn’t give up. “Why not?” I said.
“Because I said so.” She said getting a little annoyed.
“But why not? I’ve been good.” I said in a whinny voice.
“NO, NOW STOP ASKING!” Katniss yelled just as Peeta walked inside the house. Peeta just looked at me. “What’s going on here?” Peeta asked. I know I would be in trouble if I lied to him. “I kept asking Katniss if I could go outside after she said no. I’m sorry Peeta.” I said starting to cry.
I was so scared that he’d be mad at me, but he wasn’t. “It’s okay. Just when someone says ‘No’ they mean it. Okay, Faith?” Peeta said in a kind voice. I shook my head to answer him still a little upset. Peeta grabbed my hand and led me to a different room. He closed the door behind us. Was I in trouble after all? I thought to myself.
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