Daphne's curse

Daphne's curse

A scooby doo fanfic i made years ago. hope you enjoy this random fanfic i made! (Oh btw it might be slightly cringy..)

published on October 20, 201733 reads 7 readers 0 completed
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Chapter 5.

the beginning of the curse

*back at home..*
"so daphne what happened back there?" asked velma
"i don't remember.." said daphne with a shameful look on her face
"aww its ok daph we don't have to know.." said freddy
"ra rits rokay!" said scooby
"like ya!" said shaggy
"shaggy please stop saying like so much.. its so annoying!..." said velma
"fine.. i'll try.." said shaggy
"AHH! OWW!" yelled daphne suddenly
"DAPHNE ARE YOU OK?!" asked fred with fear in his voice
*daphne turns into a cat*
"good question.." said velma
"like yah.." said shaggy
"ro raid it raggy.." said scooby
*daphne meows in confusion of what they are talking about*
*meows again puts paw over mouth and runs to a mirror*" MEOW??!!!?!" *runs away*
"uh oh..i hope she does not get hurt out there.." said velma
"ya.." said shaggy
"ruh ro..  rat rat!" *starts to want to chase daphne* *thinks to self* 'ri rust not chase raphne!'
*with daphne*
meows: "why am i a cat?! how?! i can't go back there it's to embarrassing..!" *sees the hex girls before running to them because it started raining*
thorn: "OH! oh kitty you startled me!"
daphne: *meows* "oh thorn please get me out of here! i don't like the rain!"
luna: "uhh.. i think we should get the cat out of this rain"
dusk: "ya i think we should to come on thorn let's go to are place"
thorn: "ok let's go girls"
daphne: *meows* "thank you!"
luna: "so why do you girls think this kitty was out in the rain like that?"
dusk: "good question  but i have no idea.."
thorn: "hmm.. maybe she was abandoned by her owner?"
luna: "but who would abandon such a sweet cat?!"
dusk: "calm down please luna"
luna: "fine.."
thorn: "ok kitty stay here we will be right back we are just going to the store to get some cat food"
daphne: *meows* "CAT FOOD?! EWW! well.. i guess its better then nothing.." *sits*
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