Jenna Westwood: The un discovered princess

Jenna Westwood: The un discovered princess

About a young girl called mirrabella but when she was little, she was left in the woods to starve. A Nice family took her in and called her jenna. (Tremendous tale of lies and bravery.)

published on June 04, 20143 reads 1 reader 0 completed
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Chapter 4.

The escape

That night, she wrote on a piece of paper: Gone to finally get some freedom. I will never miss you. Then escaped through her bedroom window. She wore a long blue night dress that was puffy at the bottom. She had brown hair and emerald green eyes. The woods was so beautiful at night! How the moonlight shone on the trees and cast a shadow. But what lurked inside the woods was not beautiful at all. As the queen saw the nice family help the poor princess and was the figure that appeared behind her outside the cottage. But she didn't know someone was out there to get her. She couldn't remember being dumped by the river. All she could remember was her ''Family'' that would not let her outside.
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