Cinea's story

Before you read the story I want to point out a few things! Ok! So one here's a warning Warning:if you do not like the idea or hearing about someone being abandoned then this story is most likely not for you! Ok now that that's out of the way so out of all my 51 or so ocs I just want to point out how not all my ocs story's are finished so it may take me a while to finish this story as well as any other ones ok cool onto the story! (This story is still being edited)

published on July 29, 20191 read 1 reader 0 not completed
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Chapter 2.

What was never thought to happen... story is quite long to warn you all now.... I lived with my family my mom, dad, my 3 sisters and brothers I was the youngest and to my family the weirdest I unlike my siblings I had grown a interest in magic, spells, and thinking back on it I'm sure if I just stoped practicing magic and potions.....maybe they wouldn't.....
Sonic:wouldn't what?
Cinea:.......abandoned me......
Cinea:.......*sighs*.....anyway one my 4th birthday....whenever that was my family had packed all my stuff when I wasn't paying attention and took me to the secret meadow and just left me there with a note that I couldn't even read and 6 crystals.......
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