Love, and Death

Alex, Beth, Maggie, Hershall, Carl, Jace, Rick, Lori, Daryl, Carol, Michonne, Glenn, and the rest of the group try to find safety, food, and shelter. Their world was getting run over by zombies. What they like to call them; walkers. Jace, and Alex get married, and have a baby girl named Sophia. Lori loses her baby girl, Judith. Lori dies. Hershall dies. What will happen next? Read to find out!

published on August 29, 201441 reads 6 readers 1 not completed
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Chapter 5.

Chapter 5

-Hershall's POV-
Beth, and Alex have done an awesome job on the rooms. Maggie, and I were suppose to help, but they did all the work. I'm surprised.

I walked in the living room, to see all the girls watching tv. They all had their pajama's on. Alex had a long sleeve shirt, pj pants with band names on them, black/white socks, and a beanie. Beth had the same outfit on. Maggie had a short sleeve shirt, shorts, and pink socks on.

I swear, sometimes I think Beth, and Alex are twins. They do everything together, talk at the same time, wear the same clothes, and do the same things.

I walked to my room, and put pj's on, and walked in the living room with the three girls. They all smiled, and I smiled back. This is a fresh new start for all of us.
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Comments (1)

i thought alex and jade where married but then alex kissed nick and wha..?
on September 01, 2014