We Are Soldiers!

We Are Soldiers!

In a world where danger lurks at every shadow, can these cats survive? Humans have begun capturing cats and doing experiments on them left and right. Some show positive signs, making them have powers. And others show negative signs, turning them into soulless monsters. Few cats escape and hide. We are those cats. We are Soldiers!

published on November 09, 20172 reads 2 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 6.

Indigo (Chapter 5)

~~Indigo's POV~~

 No one should visit here. EVER.

 I guard a RESTRICTED area. An area that has a good reason to be restricted.

 The cats here...they're unstable. Some of the first experiments.

 The humans tested on these guys, twisting their bodies and minds. That "Kutoru"–or whatever the hell his name is– rescued as many of them as he could. Most, unfortunately, he left. They were just too unstable, even for this.

 Since I was one of the first experiments to go right, he left me in charge of guarding, protecting, and caring for them. Quite honestly, the one named Poppy is my favorite, but "Sparky" has attached herself to me, and I must say...she is growing me.

 But there's also Beast and Maple...

 DON'T go anywhere near fhm. They may not be unstable the way dearest Poppy or darling Gracie is, but they're DEFINITELY dangerous. Our two strongest guards guard them.

 So, if you somehow manage to get past me and decide to explore, please ignore the dark corner. I won't give any specifics so it's harder to find him...

 But if a guy named Bear or Chutney says stay away...

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