Song Lyrics (2)

Song Lyrics (2)

Have you ever wondered what the lyrics to a song was? Well, boom. Find them here. You can also request a song. :3

published on December 27, 201512 reads 7 readers 3 not completed
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Chapter 5.

I'm Only Joking - Kongos


There is a song
You're trembling to its tune
At the request of the moon

Licking her chops
She looks at the lunatics
She needs another fix

I'm only joking
I don't believe a thing I've said
What are you smoking?
I'm just a-f****** with your head
Only a crazy little thing I read

I'm only joking
I don't believe a thing I've said
What are you smoking?
I'm just a-f****** with your head
Only a crazy little thing I read
Only a crazy little thing I read

Maybe the planets
Are trying to become the stars
And we really came from Mars

The earth is alive
And man is a parasite
And heavenly bodies make us fight

I'm only joking
I don't believe a thing I've said
What are you smoking?
I'm just a-f****** with your head
Only a crazy little thing I read

I'm only joking
I don't believe a thing I've said
What are you smoking?
I'm just a-f****** with your head
Only a crazy little thing I read
Only a crazy little thing I read


There is a song
You're trembling to its tune
At the request of the moon

Licking her chops
She looks at the lunatics
She needs another fix

I'm only joking
I don't believe a thing I've said
What are you smoking?
I'm just a-f****** with your head
Only a crazy little thing I read

I'm only joking
I don't believe a thing I've said
What are you smoking?
I'm just a-f****** with your head
Only a crazy little thing I read

I'm only joking
I don't believe a thing I've said
What are you smoking?
I'm just a-f****** with your head
Only a crazy little thing I read
Only a crazy little thing I read
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Comments (3)

OMFG I'm in love with this..... My respect is very high for you now
on January 14, 2016
on January 14, 2016
on January 14, 2016