the Monster Under the Bes

What if the monster under your bed did exactly what it said it would, what if everything it says is true, that's the life of Evelyn Trueblood.

published on July 06, 20150 reads 0 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 2.

Chapter 1

    It’s impossible to imagine your worst nightmare coming true, the one where the monster under your bed does exactly what it says it will. My monster said it would take over the world and that’s exactly what it did.

Now things are pretty boring, maybe I should start at a more exciting time, how about when it all began a couple years ago, I was seven and my life couldn’t have been better, until I tried to forget about the monster under my bed. It grew stronger everyday once it realized the power it had over me. It grew and grew and one day it killed the mayor of our town and took his position, the next day it had taken over the city, then the province, the country then, the world. People tried to stop it but every time someone tried it would get angry and put them in an arena where all the other monsters that lived under people's beds were hiding and lurking in the shadows, they would make you so scared you couldn’t even scream and then they would all jump out at once and kill you as slowly and painfully as possible.

I’m surprised people didn’t try killing me, it was the monster that lived under my bed and maybe if I died, so would it.   

“Evelyn, are you ok?” asked my mother.

“Yeah, I just never expected that monster to do exactly what it said,” I reply.

“We’ll find a way to stop it,” she said.

“I hope so, I don’t like living under fear of something that shouldn’t even exist.”

“No one does, if anyone did they would probably be working for the monster.”

We were sitting in a cave with some sleeping bags, pillows and about a hundred people, I don’t know how we all fit it there. The monster keeps tabs on everyone in the world, all tabs are in files and in the files are things like our names, where we live, who our family is, any allergies, things like that.

(This Chapter is not finished yet)
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