Brelink fanfic

now I'm even more embarrassed i almost made this into a page anyway this is a brelink fanfic that takes place after Link saves bree from a brutal fall in death mountain.

published on November 11, 201617 reads 3 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 (the reason I'm updating so fast is because this is all generated)

They strolled together for a few moments, the beautiful clear ocean-colored sky decorated with only a few hints of loamy clouds. The sun struck her coiffure in a aureate halo about her face.

Link looked at her admiringly. "You're beautiful," he told her. She blushed.

"W-Why do you say that...?" she stuttered, still recovering from his compliment.

"Because it's the truth." Link placed his hand around Bree, drawing her nearer. "Not only that," he continued. "You're talented as well. We couldn't have saved the world without you."

"I caused a lot of trouble for you," she mumbled. "You were really the one who did all those amazing things. And you're so strong..." Her eyes wandered over his face, his caring depths, his flaxen strands. "... And handsome. I'm so lucky to have met you."

"It must have been destiny." He gave her an assuring squeeze. "But I never want you in that kind of danger again."

"As long as you're by my side," she whispered, letting Link draw her into an embrace, "nothing bad will happen to me."

"I swear it," he affirmed.
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