Merge madness episode -1Charater info.

Merge madness episode -1Charater info.

This will only be for the charaters in the show. I will do recommended charaters next.

published on August 10, 201837 reads 3 readers 2 not completed
show story details+
Chapter 5.

Red redstone chip

Name: Red redstone chip
Role: contestant
Gender: male
Personality: mean, competitive, Extreamly bossy!
Appearance: one of Pama's redstone chips from mcsm episode 7
Strengths: his urge to win.
Weaknesses: fighting blue redstone chip, water, having only 1 friend
Random line: You want to go bro?!
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Comments (2)

Pineapple: Yes! My friend! <3
on August 10, 2018
This has 5557 charaters (leters, spaces, punctuation, etc) in it and only about 800 words.
on August 10, 2018