choose your path!

choose your path!

choose which path you want to follow to meet your doom!... or not! remember to comment!

published on November 04, 2015131 reads 18 readers 3 not completed
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Chapter 3.

Chapter 3

"But I don't want to", you say. "Oh, come on don't be scared." "Ugh...", you say. "Fine. If you don't go in then I guess you're just a wimp.", says your friend. "Fine. I'll go in.", you say. You decide to go in the back door to the house. You see a set of stairs and walk up them. You see several rooms. You walk into the first one on the left. Inside, you see an old bed with cobwebs on it. You look around. There is a chair and a desk with what looks like a book on it. You're very hesitant to open it. You try to read the first page, but, it is very dusty. You blow on the page and all the dust flies off. You see that it looks like there is handwriting on the page. It must be a journal! You read the first page but it doesn't seem to make sense. Just random words. It all looks very weird. You wonder what is on the next page.

If you choose to see what is on the other page, go to chapter 6.
If you choose to put the book down and continue to walk around the room go to chapter 7.
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Comments (3)

I just pushed a button and fell into a black hole ?
on July 29, 2018
I went through the wood door and got rich!
on November 05, 2015
I fell into a pool of piranhas...
on November 05, 2015