Emma Taylor's Diary

This is a story about a 13 year old girl named Emma Taylor. It's a story I made up. I hope you like it!

published on May 05, 20174 reads 3 readers 0 not completed
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Emma Taylor's Diary
Chapter 3.


So Kevin and I became Good friends! And he is happy that I'm Belle and not Matilda the most popular girl in school who has a huge obvious crush on Kevin. And she won't stop trying to get him to like her. Oh and also Kevin and I have the similar birthdays! I'm turning 14 tomorrow and he's turning 14 1/2!Time for class.
Ok It's time for Beauty and the Beast rehearsal! Uh oh... tomorrow we are doing a kissing scene... Matilda is going to kill me and I'm not sure that we're ready to do that. Oh well. We are doing the ballroom dance scene. Time for other classes. :(
Here comes Matilda with her girl squad. "You better drop out of the play today." she said. I'm walking away but I think she's following me so I start running and Kevin comes into the hall and sees what it happening. Suddenly Matilda tries to act innocent. And Kevin told her that she should stop being a jerk just because he likes someone else. Wait... He likes me!
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